Matthijs van Veelen
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Cited by
Direct reciprocity in structured populations
M Van Veelen, J García, DG Rand, MA Nowak
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (25), 9929-9934, 2012
Group selection, kin selection, altruism and cooperation: when inclusive fitness is right and when it can be wrong
M Van Veelen
Journal of Theoretical Biology 259 (3), 589-600, 2009
Group selection and inclusive fitness are not equivalent; the Price equation vs. models and statistics
M Van Veelen, J García, MW Sabelis, M Egas
Journal of theoretical biology 299, 64-80, 2012
On the use of the Price equation
M van Veelen
Journal of Theoretical Biology 237 (4), 412-426, 2005
Predictably angry—Facial cues provide a credible signal of destructive behavior
B Van Leeuwen, CN Noussair, T Offerman, S Suetens, M Van Veelen, ...
Management Science 64 (7), 3352-3364, 2018
In and out of equilibrium I: Evolution of strategies in repeated games with discounting
J García, M van Veelen
Journal of Economic Theory 161, 161-189, 2016
Multi-player games on the cycle
M van Veelen, MA Nowak
Journal of Theoretical Biology 292, 116-128, 2012
Evil green beards: Tag recognition can also be used to withhold cooperation in structured populations
J García, M van Veelen, A Traulsen
Journal of theoretical biology 360, 181-186, 2014
Human cooperation among kin and close associates may require enforcement of norms by third parties
S Mathew, R Boyd, M Van Veelen
The replicator dynamics with n players and population structure
M Van Veelen
Journal of theoretical biology 276 (1), 78-85, 2011
Hamilton's rule
M van Veelen, B Allen, M Hoffman, B Simon, C Veller
Journal of Theoretical Biology 414, 176-230, 2017
No strategy can win in the repeated prisoner's dilemma: linking game theory and computer simulations
J García, M Van Veelen
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5, 102, 2018
Robustness against indirect invasions
M Van Veelen
Games and Economic Behavior 74 (1), 382-393, 2012
A general evolutionary framework for the role of intuition and deliberation in cooperation
S Jagau, M van Veelen
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (8), 0152, 2017
It takes grouping and cooperation to get sociality
M van Veelen, J García, L Avilés
Journal of Theoretical Biology 264 (4), 1240-1253, 2010
A note on different approaches to index number theory
M Van Veelen, R van der Weide
American Economic Review 98 (4), 1722-1730, 2008
An impossibility theorem concerning multilateral international comparison of volumes
M Van Veelen
Econometrica 70 (1), 369-375, 2002
Evolution in games with a continuous action space
M Van Veelen, P Spreij
Economic Theory 39, 355-376, 2009
A simple model of group selection that cannot be analyzed with inclusive fitness
M Van Veelen, S Luo, B Simon
Journal of Theoretical Biology 360, 279-289, 2014
Interpretations arising from Wrightian and Malthusian fitness under strong frequency dependent selection
B Wu, CS Gokhale, M van Veelen, L Wang, A Traulsen
Ecology and Evolution 3 (5), 1276-1280, 2013
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Articles 1–20