Professor Muneer Masadeh Bani Yassein,      SCOPUS Author ID: 55969035200
Professor Muneer Masadeh Bani Yassein, SCOPUS Author ID: 55969035200
Professor of Computer Science, Jordan University of Science and Technology
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Cited by
Anomaly-based intrusion detection system through feature selection analysis and building hybrid efficient model
S Aljawarneha, M Aldwairi, M Bani Yassein
Journal of Computational Science, SCOPUS(Q1), Thomson Reuters, Science …, 2017
Improvement on LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network (VLEACH).
M Bani Yassein, A Al-zou'bi, Y Khamayseh, W Mardini
Internet of Things: Survey and open issues of MQTT protocol
MB Yassein, MQ Shatnawi, S Aljwarneh, R Al-Hatmi
2017 international conference on engineering & MIS (ICEMIS), 1-6, 2017
Comprehensive Study of Symmetric Key and Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithms
M Bani Yassein, S Aljawarneh, E Qawasmeh, Y Khamayseh, W Mardini
IEEE International Conference on Engineering & Technology 2017 (ICET'17 …, 2017
A resource-efficient encryption algorithm for multimedia big data
S Aljawarneh, M Bani Yassein, W Talafha
Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCOPUS(Q1),Thomson Reuters, Science …, 2017
Smart Homes Automation using Z-wave Protocol
M Bani Yassein, W Mardini, A Khalil
2016 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Pervasive …, 2016
Performance analysis of adjusted probabilistic broadcasting in mobile ad hoc networks
M Bani-Yassein, M Ould-Khaoua, LM Mackenzie, S Papanastasiou
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks,SCOPUS (Q1), Science …, 2006
An enhanced J48 classification algorithm for the anomaly intrusion detection systems
S Aljawarneh, M Bani Yassein, M Aljundi
Cluster Computing,Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1), 1-17, 2017
A multithreaded programming approach for multimedia big data: encryption system
S Aljawarneh, M Bani Yassein
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-20, 2017
A new dynamic counter-based broadcasting scheme for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
M Bani Yassein, S Nimer, Al-Dubai, Ahmed
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index …, 2011
A new elastic trickle timer algorithm for Internet of Things
M Bani Yassein, S Aljawarneh, E Masa'deh
Journal of Network and Computer Applications,SCOPUS(Q1), Science Citation …, 2017
Enhanced detection of epileptic seizure using EEG signals in combination with machine learning classifiers
W Mardini, MMB Yassein, R Al-Rawashdeh, S Aljawarneh, Y Khamayseh, ...
IEEE Access 8, 24046-24055, 2020
Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Routing Protocols, Mobility Models, Issues
M Bani Yassein, Damer, N Alhuda”
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (6 …, 2016
Performance Evaluation of RPL Objective Functions
M Qasem, H Altwassi, M Bani Yassein, A Al-Dubai
International Workshop on Internet of Things and Smart Spaces (IoT-Smart …, 2015
A resource intensive traffic-aware scheme using energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks
A Bourdena, CX Mavromoustakis, G Kormentzas, E Pallis, G Mastorakis, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index …, 2014
An efficient counter-based broadcast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks
MOK Aminu Mohammed, M Bani Yassein,, L Mackenzie
European Performance Engineering Workshop, 2007
An efficient counter-based broadcast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks
A Mohammed, Mohammed, M Ould-Khaou, M Bani Yassein, L Mackenzie
European Performance Engineering Workshop, 2007
Neighbour coverage: A dynamic probabilistic route discovery for mobile ad hoc networks
A Jamal-Deen, OK Mohamed, M Lewis, M Aminu
2008 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and …, 2008
A conceptual security framework for cloud computing issues
S Aljawarneh, MB Yassein
Cyber Security and Threats: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications …, 2018
Improving probabilistic route discovery in mobile ad hoc networks
A Jamal, M Ould-Khaou, M Bani Yassein, L Mackenzie
32nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2007
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Articles 1–20