Claudia Jiménez-Guarín
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The ContextAct@ A4H Real-Life Dataset of Daily-Living Activities: Activity Recognition Using Model Checking
P Lago, F Lang, C Roncancio, C Jiménez-Guarín, R Mateescu, ...
Modeling and Using Context: 10th International and Interdisciplinary …, 2017
Learning and managing context enriched behavior patterns in smart homes
P Lago, C Roncancio, C Jiménez-Guarín
Future Generation Computer Systems 91, 191-205, 2019
Hybrid model rating prediction with linked open data for recommender systems
A Moreno, C Ariza-Porras, P Lago, CL Jiménez-Guarín, H Castro, ...
Semantic Web Evaluation Challenge: SemWebEval 2014 at ESWC 2014, Anissaras …, 2014
Contextualized behavior patterns for ambient assisted living
P Lago, C Jiménez-Guarín, C Roncancio
Human Behavior Understanding: 6th International Workshop, HBU 2015, Osaka …, 2015
A case study on the analysis of behavior patterns and pattern changes in smart environments
P Lago, C Jiménez-Guarín, C Roncancio
Ambient Assisted Living and Daily Activities: 6th International Work …, 2014
Contextualized behavior patterns for change reasoning in Ambient Assisted Living: A formal model
P Lago, C Jiménez‐Guarín, C Roncancio
Expert Systems 34 (2), e12163, 2017
Natural language processing for linking online news and open government data
D Sarmiento Suárez, C Jiménez-Guarín
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 243-252, 2014
Representing and learning human behavior patterns with contextual variability
P Lago, C Roncancio, C Jiménez-Guarín, C Labbé
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 28th International Conference …, 2017
Sentiment analysis in Colombian online newspaper comments
D Pérez-Granados, C Lozano-Garzón, A López-Urueña, ...
Recent Progress in Data Engineering and Internet Technology: Volume 2, 113-119, 2012
MAGPIE: Pervasive Environment with Emotional Awareness for Managing Information in the Context of Collaborative Communities
P Lago, C Jimenez
Conference Proceedings Ucami, 2011
Seabird: Sensor activity identification from streams of data
J Molano-Pulido, C Jiménez-Guarín
Colombian Conference on Computing, 59-71, 2017
CAPELA: An active campus platform
DH Bello, C Jiménez-Guarín
2015 10th Computing Colombian Conference (10CCC), 400-407, 2015
Using the web to monitor a customized unified financial portfolio
C Restrepo-Arango, A Henao-Chaparro, C Jiménez-Guarín
Advances in Conceptual Modeling: ER 2012 Workshops CMS, ECDM-NoCoDA, MoDIC …, 2012
MagosCloud Secure: A secure, highly scalable platform for services in an opportunistic environment
JY De la Pava Torres, C Jiménez-Guarín
2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation …, 2012
Mental health information Web search and semantic search extension
D Ramírez, P Lago, D Borda, C Jiménez-Guarín
2011 6th Colombian Computing Congress (CCC), 1-6, 2011
MAGPIE: Pervasive Environment with Emotional Awareness for Managing Information in the Context of Collaborative Communities
PA Lago Martinez, CL Jiménez Guarín
UCAmI 2011, 2011
SEAbIRD: adaptable daily living activity identification from sensor data streams
J Molano-Pulido, C Jiménez-Guarín
Procedia Computer Science 130, 939-946, 2018
BiDArch: BigData Architect, Generator of Big Data Solution Architectures
J Sosa, C Jiménez-Guarín
Colombian Conference on Computing, 17-31, 2017
Content In-context: Automatic News Contextualization
C Restrepo-Arango, C Jiménez-Guarín
Advances in Computing: 12th Colombian Conference, CCC 2017, Cali, Colombia …, 2017
Genesis: Agile generation of information management oriented software
C Jiménez Guarín, JE Gómez
Revista de Ingeniería, 30-39, 2010
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