Bernat Goņi-Ros
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Cited by
Using advanced adaptive cruise control systems to reduce congestion at sags: An evaluation based on microscopic traffic simulation
B Goņi-Ros, WJ Schakel, AE Papacharalampous, M Wang, VL Knoop, ...
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 102, 411-426, 2019
Investigating cyclist interaction behavior through a controlled laboratory experiment
Y Yuan, W Daamen, B Goņi-Ros, SP Hoogendoorn
Journal of Transport and Land Use 11 (1), 833-847, 2018
Optimization of traffic flow at freeway sags by controlling the acceleration of vehicles equipped with in-car systems
B Goņi-Ros, VL Knoop, T Takahashi, I Sakata, B Van Arem, ...
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 71, 1-18, 2016
Modeling Traffic at Sags
B Goņi-Ros, VL Knoop, Y Shiomi, T Takahashi, B van Arem, ...
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 14 (1 …, 2016
Mainstream traffic flow control at sags
B Goņi-Ros, VL Knoop, B van Arem, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2014
Macroscopic pedestrian flow simulation using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
Y Yuan, B Goņi-Ros, HH Bui, W Daamen, HL Vu, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 111, 334-351, 2020
Car-following behavior at sags and its impacts on traffic flow
B Goņi-Ros, VL Knoop, B van Arem, SP Hoogendoorn
92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 22-26 …, 2013
Identificaciķn, localizaciķn y caracterizaciķn de las secciones censales desfavorecidas de la Regiķn Metropolitana de Barcelona
B Goņi-Ros
Scripta Nova: Revista Electrķnica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales 12 (272), 2008
Identificaciķn, localizaciķn y caracterizaciķn de las secciones censales desfavorecidas de la Regiķn Metropolitana de Barcelona
B Goņi-Ros
Universitat Politčcnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (MSc thesis), 2007
Mitigating congestion at sags with adaptive cruise control systems
AE Papacharalampous, M Wang, VL Knoop, B Goņi-Ros, T Takahashi, ...
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2015 IEEE 18th International …, 2015
Empirical analysis of the causes of stop-and-go waves at sags
B Goņi-Ros, VL Knoop, B van Arem, SP Hoogendoorn
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 8 (5), 499-506, 2014
Analysis of Bicycle Headway Distribution, Saturation Flow and Capacity at a Signalized Intersection using Empirical Trajectory Data
Y Yuan, B Goņi-Ros, M Poppe, W Daamen, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2019
Empirical Analysis of the Macroscopic Characteristics of Bicycle Flow During the Queue Discharge Process at a Signalized Intersection
B Goņi-Ros, Y Yuan, W Daamen, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2018
Social Force Model Describing Pedestrian and Cyclist Behaviour in Shared Spaces
Y Yuan, B Goņi-Ros, TP van Oijen, W Daamen, SP Hoogendoorn
Traffic and Granular Flow’17, 477-486, 2017
Reducing congestion at uphill freeway sections by means of a Gradient Compensation System
B Goņi-Ros, VL Knoop, B van Arem, SP Hoogendoorn
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 3-7 June …, 2012
The Influence of Jam Density and Merging Cyclists on the Queue Discharge Rate
MJ Wierbos, VL Knoop, B Goņi-Ros, SP Hoogendoorn
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2020, 2020
Modeling driving behavior and traffic flow at sags
B Goņi-Ros, VL Knoop, B van Arem, SP Hoogendoorn
20th ITS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 14-18 October, 2013, 2013
Optimal Speed Advice for Cyclists using a Roadside Sign at Signalized Intersections with Uncertainty in Traffic Light Timing
A Dabiri, A Hegyi, B Goņi-Ros
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2019
Bicycle Queue Dynamics: Influence of Queue Density and Merging Cyclists on Discharge Rate at an Intersection
MJ Wierbos, B Goņi-Ros, VL Knoop, SP Hoogendoorn
97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 7-11, 2018, 2017
Traffic Flow at Sags: Theory, Modeling and Control
B Goņi-Ros
Delft University of Technology, TRAIL Research School (PhD thesis), 2016
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Articles 1–20