Zhihua Zhao
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Cited by
Effects of hydraulic pressure on the stability and transition of wetting modes of superhydrophobic surfaces
QS Zheng, Y Yu, ZH Zhao
Langmuir 21 (26), 12207-12212, 2005
Mechanical and superhydrophobic stabilities of two-scale surfacial structure of lotus leaves
Y Yu, ZH Zhao, QS Zheng
Langmuir 23 (15), 8212-8216, 2007
Programmable granular metamaterials for reusable energy absorption
K Fu, Z Zhao, L Jin
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (32), 1901258, 2019
Irreducible structure, symmetry and average of Eshelby's tensor fields in isotropic elasticity
QS Zheng, ZH Zhao, DX Du
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 54 (2), 368-383, 2006
Flexible multibody model and the dynamics of the deployment of mesh antennas
Y Peng, Z Zhao, M Zhou, J He, J Yang, Y Xiao
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 40 (6), 1499-1510, 2017
A quaternion-based formulation of Euler–Bernoulli beam without singularity
Z Zhao, G Ren
Nonlinear Dynamics 67, 1825-1835, 2012
Integration of absolute nodal elements into multibody system
L Yu, Z Zhao, J Tang, G Ren
Nonlinear Dynamics 62, 931-943, 2010
From multiscale modeling to design of synchronization mechanisms in mesh antennas
K Fu, Z Zhao, G Ren, Y Xiao, T Feng, J Yang, P Gasbarri
Acta Astronautica 159, 156-165, 2019
Parameter study on pogo stability of liquid rockets
Z Zhao, G Ren, Z Yu, B Tang, Q Zhang
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 48 (3), 537-541, 2011
Modeling muscle wrapping and mass flow using a mass-variable multibody formulation
J Guo, H Huang, Y Yu, Z Liang, J Ambrósio, Z Zhao, G Ren, Y Ao
Multibody System Dynamics 49, 315-336, 2020
Harnessing Friction in Intertwined Structures for High‐Capacity Reusable Energy‐Absorbing Architected Materials
J Li, Z Chen, Q Li, L Jin, Z Zhao
Advanced Science 9 (13), 2105769, 2022
Gravity compensation system of mesh antennas for in-orbit prediction of deployment dynamics
Z Zhao, K Fu, M Li, J Li, Y Xiao
Acta Astronautica 167, 1-13, 2020
Uncertainty analysis of mechanical dynamics by combining response surface method with signal decomposition technique
J Cui, ZH Zhao, JW Liu, PX Hu, RN Zhou, GX Ren
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 158, 107570, 2021
Green's function and Eshelby's fields in couple-stress elasticity
Q Zheng, ZH Zhao
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 2 (1), 2004
Cable installation simulation by using a multibody dynamic model
CJ Yang, DF Hong, GX Ren, ZH Zhao
Multibody System Dynamics 30, 433-447, 2013
Efficient and high-fidelity steering ability prediction of a slender drilling assembly
KD Chen, JQ Chen, DF Hong, XY Zhong, ZB Cheng, QH Lu, JP Liu, ...
Acta Mechanica 230, 3963-3988, 2019
A direct eigenanalysis of multibody system in equilibrium
C Yang, D Cao, Z Zhao, Z Zhang, G Ren
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2012 (1), 638546, 2012
Multibody analysis of the force in deploying booms
J Wu, Z Zhao, G Ren
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 36 (6), 1881-1886, 2013
Modeling and simulation of arresting gear system with multibody dynamic approach
W Shen, Z Zhao, G Ren, J Liu
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 867012, 2013
Multibody dynamic model of web guiding system with moving web
L Yu, Z Zhao, G Ren
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Articles 1–20