Zehra Taşkın
Zehra Taşkın
Other namesZehra Yanar
Assoc. Prof. of #InfoSci at Hacettepe University (TR), Researcher at AMU SCRG (PL)
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Cited by
Cited by
Collaborative interdisciplinary astrobiology research: a bibliometric study of the NASA Astrobiology Institute
Z Taşkın, AU Aydinoglu
Scientometrics 103 (3), 1003-1022, 2015
A content-based citation analysis study based on text categorization
Z Taşkın, U Al
Scientometrics 114 (1), 335-357, 2018
Başlangıcından bugüne Bilgi Dünyası Dergisi’nin bibliyometrik profili
Z Taşkın, T Çakmak
Bilgi Dünyası 11 (2), 332-348, 2010
Natural language processing applications in library and information science
Z Taskin, U Al
Online Information Review 43 (4), 676-690, 2019
Research data management in Turkey: Perceptions and practices
AU Aydinoglu, G Dogan, Z Taskin
Library Hi Tech 35 (2), 271-289, 2017
Standardization problem of author affiliations in citation indexes
Z Taşkın, U Al
Scientometrics 98, 347-368, 2014
Forecasting the future of library and information science and its sub-fields
Z Taşkın
Scientometrics 126 (2), 1527-1551, 2021
Citation patterns between impact-factor and questionable journals
E Kulczycki, M Hołowiecki, Z Taşkın, F Krawczyk
Scientometrics 126 (10), 8541-8560, 2021
Factors affecting time to publication in information science
Z Taşkın, A Taşkın, G Doğan, E Kulczycki
Scientometrics 127 (12), 7499-7515, 2022
Origins of Life Research: a Bibliometric Approach
AU Aydinoglu, Z Taşkın
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 2017
Self-citation patterns of journals indexed in the journal citation reports
Z Taşkın, G Doğan, E Kulczycki, AA Zuccala
Journal of Informetrics 15 (4), 101221, 2021
İlkçağ uygarlıklarında kitap ve kütüphane: Efes Celsus Kütüphanesi
Z Taşkın
Türk Kütüphaneciliği 25 (1), 86-96, 2011
Mapping the Intellectual Structure of the Open Access Field Through Co-citation Analysis.
G Düzyol, Z Taşkın, Y Tonta
Usability testing of digital libraries: the experience of ePrints
Ö Dalkıran, İ Aker, S Öztemiz, Z Taşkın, SK Tunç
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 147, 535-543, 2014
Institutional name confusion on citation indexes: The example of the names of Turkish Hospitals
Z Taşkın, U Al
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 73, 544-550, 2013
Uses of the Journal Impact Factor in national journal rankings in China and Europe
E Kulczycki, Y Huang, AA Zuccala, TCE Engels, A Ferrara, R Guns, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2022
Use of social network analysis in bibliometric researches
U Al, Z Taşkın, G Düzyol
Information on E-motion. Proceedings. BOBCATSSS 2012, 20th International …, 2012
Google Scholar ve Scirus Arama Motorlarında Türkçe Anahtar Sözcüklerle Yapılan Aramalar Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme
S Kesen, C Şenol, Z Yanar
Değişen Dünya’da Bilgi Yönetimi Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 92-98, 2007
Collaboration of Turkish Scholars: Local or Global?
U Al, Z Taşkın, U Sezen
Analyzing the intellectual structure of world information literacy literature through citations and co-citations
Z Taşkın, G Doğan, İ Şencan
Worldwide Commonalities and Challenges in Information Literacy Research and …, 2013
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Articles 1–20