Andreas Kuckertz
Andreas Kuckertz
Professor of entrepreneurship, University of Hohenheim
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Startups in times of crisis–A rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic
A Kuckertz, L Brändle, A Gaudig, S Hinderer, CAM Reyes, A Prochotta, ...
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 13, e00169, 2020
The influence of sustainability orientation on entrepreneurial intentions—Investigating the role of business experience
A Kuckertz, M Wagner
Journal of business venturing 25 (5), 524-539, 2010
Exploration and exploitation strategies, profit performance, and the mediating role of strategic learning: Escaping the exploitation trap
CA Sirén, M Kohtamäki, A Kuckertz
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 6 (1), 18-41, 2012
Cannibalization or synergy? Consumers' channel selection in online–offline multichannel systems
T Kollmann, A Kuckertz, I Kayser
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 19 (2), 186-194, 2012
Understanding, differentiating, and measuring opportunity recognition and opportunity exploitation
A Kuckertz, T Kollmann, P Krell, C Stöckmann
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 23 (1), 78-97, 2017
Antecedents to permission based mobile marketing: an initial examination
C Jayawardhena, A Kuckertz, H Karjaluoto, T Kautonen
European journal of marketing 43 (3/4), 473-499, 2009
Female entrepreneurship in startup ecosystems worldwide
ESC Berger, A Kuckertz
Journal of Business Research 69 (11), 5163-5168, 2016
Digital or not–The future of entrepreneurship and innovation
ESC Berger, F von Briel, P Davidsson, A Kuckertz
Journal of Business Research 125 (March), 436-442, 2021
Evaluation uncertainty of venture capitalists' investment criteria
T Kollmann, A Kuckertz
Journal of Business Research 63 (7), 741-747, 2010
Hop to it! The impact of organization type on innovation response time to the COVID-19 crisis
B Ebersberger, A Kuckertz
Journal of Business Research 124, 126-135, 2021
Let's take the entrepreneurial ecosystem metaphor seriously!
A Kuckertz
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 11, e00124, 2019
Explaining individual entrepreneurial orientation: Conceptualisation of a cross-cultural research framework
T Kollmann, J Christofor, A Kuckertz
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 4 (3), 325-340, 2007
I am what I am-How nascent entrepreneurs’ social identity affects their entrepreneurial self-efficacy
L Brändle, ESC Berger, S Golla, A Kuckertz
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 9, 17-23, 2018
Human resource flexibility and strong ties in entrepreneurial teams
R Zolin, A Kuckertz, T Kautonen
Journal of Business Research 64 (10), 1097-1103, 2011
Entrepreneurship education–status quo and prospective developments
A Kuckertz
Journal of entrepreneurship education 16, 59-71, 2013
Creative reconstruction: a structured literature review of the early empirical research on the COVID-19 crisis and entrepreneurship
A Kuckertz, L Brändle
Management Review Quarterly 72, 281-307, 2022
Ties that blind? How strong ties affect small business owner-managers’ perceived trustworthiness of their advisors
T Kautonen, R Zolin, A Kuckertz, A Viljamaa
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 22 (2), 189-209, 2010
Do you plead guilty? Exploring entrepreneurs’ sensemaking-behavior link after business failure
C Mandl, ESC Berger, A Kuckertz
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 5, 9-13, 2016
The more the merrier? Economic freedom and entrepreneurial activity
A Kuckertz, ESC Berger, A Mpeqa
Journal of Business Research 69 (4), 1288-1293, 2016
Entrepreneurship and the sustainable bioeconomy transformation
A Kuckertz, ESC Berger, L Brändle
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 37, 332-344, 2020
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Articles 1–20