Alesia Zuccala
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Cited by
Modeling the invisible college
A Zuccala
Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology 57 (2 …, 2006
Publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities: evidence from eight European countries
E Kulczycki, TCE Engels, J Pölönen, K Bruun, M Dušková, R Guns, ...
Scientometrics 116, 463-486, 2018
Multilingual publishing in the social sciences and humanities: A seven‐country European study
E Kulczycki, R Guns, J Pölönen, TCE Engels, EA Rozkosz, AA Zuccala, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 71 (11 …, 2020
Can we rank scholarly book publishers? A bibliometric experiment with the field of history
A Zuccala, R Guns, R Cornacchia, R Bod
Journal of the Association For Information Science and Technology, 2014
Altmetrics for the humanities: Comparing Goodreads reader ratings with citations to history books
AA Zuccala, FT Verleysen, R Cornacchia, TCE Engels
Aslib Journal of Information Management 67 (3), 320-336, 2015
Taking scholarly books into account: Current developments in five European countries
E Giménez-Toledo, J Mańana-Rodríguez, TCE Engels, P Ingwersen, ...
Scientometrics 107, 685-699, 2016
A classification of author co‐citations: Definitions and search strategies
R Rousseau, A Zuccala
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 55 (6 …, 2004
Managing and evaluating digital repositories.
A Zuccala, C Oppenheim, R Dhiensa
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 13 (1), 2008
The declining scientific impact of theses: Implications for electronic thesis and dissertation repositories and graduate studies
V Larivičre, A Zuccala, É Archambault
Scientometrics 74, 109-121, 2008
Open access and civic scientific information literacy.
A Zuccala
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 15 (1), 2010
Author cocitation analysis is to intellectual structure as web colink analysis is to…?
A Zuccala
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57 …, 2006
A university-centred European Union link analysis
M Thelwall, A Zuccala
Scientometrics 75 (3), 407-420, 2008
The lay person and Open Access
A Zuccala
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 43 (1), 1, 2009
Taking scholarly books into account, part II: A comparison of 19 European countries in evaluation and funding
E Giménez-Toledo, J Mańana-Rodríguez, TCE Engels, R Guns, ...
Scientometrics 118, 233-251, 2019
Towards effective research-paper recommender systems and user modeling based on mind maps
J Beel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.09109, 2017
A machine‐learning approach to coding book reviews as quality indicators: Toward a theory of megacitation
A Zuccala, M Van Someren, M Van Bellen
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65 (11 …, 2014
Web intelligence analyses of digital libraries: A case study of the National electronic Library for Health (NeLH)
A Zuccala, M Thelwall, C Oppenheim, R Dhiensa
Journal of documentation 63 (4), 558-589, 2007
Data matching, integration, and interoperability for a metric assessment of monographs
A Zuccala, R Cornacchia
Scientometrics 108 (1), 465-484, 2016
Comparing book citations in humanities journals to library holdings: Scholarly use versus perceived cultural benefit
A Zuccala, R Guns
14th international conference of the international society for …, 2013
Revisiting the invisible college: A case study of the intellectual structure and social process of singularity theory research in mathematics
AA Zuccala
University of Toronto, 2004
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Articles 1–20