Francesco Buccheri
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Cited by
Structure of typical states of a disordered Richardson model and many-body localization
F Buccheri, A De Luca, A Scardicchio
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (9), 094203, 2011
Holographic optical traps for atom-based topological Kondo devices
F Buccheri, GD Bruce, A Trombettoni, D Cassettari, H Babujian, ...
New Journal of Physics 18 (7), 075012, 2016
Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law in the topological Kondo model
F Buccheri, A Nava, R Egger, P Sodano, D Giuliano
Physical Review B 105 (8), L081403, 2022
Thermodynamics of the topological Kondo model
F Buccheri, H Babujian, VE Korepin, P Sodano, A Trombettoni
Nuclear Physics B 896, 52-79, 2015
The integrable O (6) model and the correspondence: checks and predictions
F Buccheri, D Fioravanti
arXiv preprint arXiv:0805.4410, 2008
Transport, refraction, and interface arcs in junctions of Weyl semimetals
F Buccheri, R Egger, A De Martino
Physical Review B 106 (4), 045413, 2022
Parafermionic generalization of the topological Kondo effect
K Snizhko, F Buccheri, R Egger, Y Gefen
Physical Review B 97 (23), 235139, 2018
Multiparticle scattering and breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law at a junction of interacting quantum wires
D Giuliano, A Nava, R Egger, P Sodano, F Buccheri
Physical Review B 105 (3), 035419, 2022
Josephson Effect in Majorana Box Devices
A Zazunov, F Buccheri, P Sodano, R Egger
Physical review letters 118 (5), 057001, 2017
Finite temperature one-point functions in non-diagonal integrable field theories: the sine-Gordon model
F Buccheri, G Takács
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (3), 1-32, 2014
Chiral Y junction of quantum spin chains
F Buccheri, R Egger, RG Pereira, FB Ramos
Nuclear Physics B 941, 794-837, 2019
Quantum spin circulator in Y junctions of Heisenberg chains
F Buccheri, R Egger, RG Pereira, FB Ramos
Physical Review B 97 (22), 220402, 2018
Finite volume form factors in the presence of integrable defects
Z Bajnok, F Buccheri, L Hollo, J Konczer, G Takács
Nuclear Physics B 882, 501-531, 2014
Phonon-limited transport and Fermi arc lifetime in Weyl semimetals
F Buccheri, A De Martino, RG Pereira, PW Brouwer, R Egger
Physical Review B 105 (8), 085410, 2022
Phonon-induced magnetoresistivity of Weyl semimetal nanowires
A De Martino, K Dorn, F Buccheri, R Egger
Physical Review B 104 (15), 155425, 2021
Superconductivity from piezoelectric interactions in Weyl semimetals
RG Pereira, F Buccheri, A De Martino, R Egger
Physical Review B 100 (3), 035106, 2019
Dispersive drumhead states in nodal-line semimetal junctions
F Buccheri, R Egger, A De Martino
Physical Review Research 6 (1), 013193, 2024
Relative phase and Josephson dynamics between weakly coupled Richardson models
F Buccheri, A Trombettoni
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (17), 174506, 2013
Lifshitz transitions and Weyl semimetals from a topological superconductor with supercurrent flow
FGM Cuy, F Buccheri, F Dolcini
Physical Review Research 6 (3), 033060, 2024
Topological Kondo Effect
F Buccheri, R Egger
Strongly Coupled Field Theories for Condensed Matter and Quantum Information …, 2020
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Articles 1–20