"Susan Gasson"
Cited by
Cited by
Rigor in Grounded Theory Research - An Interpretive Perspective on Generating Theory From Qualitative Field Studies
S Gasson
The handbook of information systems research, 79, 2004
Human-centered vs. User-centered Approaches to Information System Design
S Gasson
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application 5 (2), 29-46, 2003
A genealogical study of boundary-spanning IS design
S Gasson
European Journal of Information Systems 15 (1), 26-41, 2006
The dynamics of sensemaking, knowledge, and expertise in collaborative, boundary-spanning design
S Gasson
Journal of computer-mediated communication 10 (4), JCMC1049, 2005
Using a grounded theory approach to study online collaboration behaviors
S Gasson, J Waters
European Journal of Information Systems 22 (1), 95-118, 2011
A model of dance/movement therapy for resilience-building in people living with chronic pain
M Shim, RB Johnson, S Gasson, S Goodill, R Jermyn, J Bradt
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 9, 27-40, 2017
A social action model of situated information systems design
S Gasson
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 30 (2 …, 1999
Adaptations that virtual teams make so that complex tasks can be performed using simple e-collaboration technologies
D DeLuca, S Gasson, N Kock
International Journal of E-Collaboration (IJeC) 2 (3), 65-91, 2006
The reality of user-centered design
S Gasson
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 11 (4), 5-15, 1999
The management of distributed organizational knowledge
S Gasson
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2004, 80248b, 2004
A mixed methods–grounded theory design for producing more refined theoretical models
M Shim, B Johnson, J Bradt, S Gasson
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 15 (1), 61-86, 2021
Framing design: a social process view of information system development
S Gasson
Changing mental models of the IT professions: A theoretical framework
DE Agosto, S Gasson, M Atwood
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 7 (1), 205-221, 2008
Employing a grounded theory approach for MIS research
S Gasson
Handbook of research on contemporary theoretical models in information …, 2009
Epistemic Objects and Embeddedness: Knowledge Construction and Narratives in Research Networks of Practice
E Khazraee, S Gasson
The Information Society 31 (2), 139-159, 2015
IT‐based knowledge management to support organizational learning: Visa application screening at the INS
S Gasson, KM Shelfer
Information Technology & People 20 (4), 376-399, 2007
Strategies employed by participants in virtual learning communities
J Waters, S Gasson
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
The impact of e-commerce technology on the air travel industry
S Gasson
Cases on electronic commerce technologies and applications, 341-356, 2006
Social engagement in an online community of inquiry
J Waters, S Gasson
Boundary-spanning knowledge-sharing in e-collaboration
S Gasson
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
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Articles 1–20