Raquel Lebrero
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Cited by
A state–of–the-art review on indoor air pollution and strategies for indoor air pollution control
J González-Martín, NJR Kraakman, C Pérez, R Lebrero, R Muñoz
Chemosphere 262, 128376, 2021
Odor assessment and management in wastewater treatment plants: a review
R Lebrero, L Bouchy, R Stuetz, R Munoz
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41 (10), 915-950, 2011
A comparative analysis of odour treatment technologies in wastewater treatment plants
JM Estrada, NJRB Kraakman, R Muñoz, R Lebrero
Environmental science & technology 45 (3), 1100-1106, 2011
Monitoring techniques for odour abatement assessment
R Munoz, EC Sivret, G Parcsi, R Lebrero, X Wang, IHM Suffet, RM Stuetz
Water research 44 (18), 5129-5149, 2010
Odor abatement in biotrickling filters: Effect of the EBRT on methyl mercaptan and hydrophobic VOCs removal
R Lebrero, E Rodríguez, JM Estrada, PA García-Encina, R Muñoz
Bioresource Technology 109, 38-45, 2012
Biotechnologies for greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O, and CO2) abatement: state of the art and challenges
JC López, G Quijano, TSO Souza, JM Estrada, R Lebrero, R Muñoz
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 97, 2277-2303, 2013
A sensitivity analysis of process design parameters, commodity prices and robustness on the economics of odour abatement technologies
JM Estrada, NJRB Kraakman, R Lebrero, R Muñoz
Biotechnology advances 30 (6), 1354-1363, 2012
Comparative assessment of a biofilter, a biotrickling filter and a hollow fiber membrane bioreactor for odor treatment in wastewater treatment plants
R Lebrero, AC Gondim, R Pérez, PA García-Encina, R Muñoz
Water research 49, 339-350, 2014
Selection of odour removal technologies in wastewater treatment plants: A guideline based on Life Cycle Assessment
C Alfonsín, R Lebrero, JM Estrada, R Muñoz, NJRB Kraakman, G Feijoo, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 149, 77-84, 2015
Biogas-based polyhydroxyalkanoates production by Methylocystis hirsuta: A step further in anaerobic digestion biorefineries
JC López, E Arnáiz, L Merchán, R Lebrero, R Muñoz
Chemical Engineering Journal 333, 529-536, 2018
Biodegradation of bioplastics under aerobic and anaerobic aqueous conditions: Kinetics, carbon fate and particle size effect
O García-Depraect, R Lebrero, S Rodriguez-Vega, S Bordel, ...
Bioresource Technology 344, 126265, 2022
Technologies for the bioconversion of methane into more valuable products
S Cantera, R Muñoz, R Lebrero, JC López, Y Rodríguez, ...
Current opinion in biotechnology 50, 128-135, 2018
H2S and VOCs abatement robustness in biofilters and air diffusion bioreactors: a comparative study
R Lebrero, E Rodríguez, M Martin, PA García-Encina, R Muñoz
Water research 44 (13), 3905-3914, 2010
Biogas upgrading from vinasse digesters: a comparison between an anoxic biotrickling filter and an algal‐bacterial photobioreactor
R Lebrero, A Toledo‐Cervantes, R Muñoz, V del Nery, E Foresti
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 91 (9), 2488-2495, 2016
Photosynthetic biogas upgrading to bio-methane: Boosting nutrient recovery via biomass productivity control
A Toledo-Cervantes, ML Serejo, S Blanco, R Pérez, R Lebrero, R Muñoz
Algal Research 17, 46-52, 2016
Simultaneous biogas upgrading and centrate treatment in an outdoors pilot scale high rate algal pond
E Posadas, D Marín, S Blanco, R Lebrero, R Muñoz
Bioresource Technology 232, 133-141, 2017
Methane abatement in a gas-recycling biotrickling filter: Evaluating innovative operational strategies to overcome mass transfer limitations
JM Estrada, R Lebrero, G Quijano, R Pérez, I Figueroa-González, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 253, 385-393, 2014
Inspired by nature: Microbial production, degradation and valorization of biodegradable bioplastics for life-cycle-engineered products
O García-Depraect, S Bordel, R Lebrero, F Santos-Beneit, RA Börner, ...
Biotechnology Advances 53, 107772, 2021
Simultaneous methane abatement and PHB production by Methylocystis hirsuta in a novel gas-recycling bubble column bioreactor
T García-Pérez, JC López, F Passos, R Lebrero, S Revah, R Muñoz
Chemical Engineering Journal 334, 691-697, 2018
A comparative assessment of biofiltration and activated sludge diffusion for odour abatement
R Lebrero, E Rodríguez, PA García-Encina, R Muñoz
Journal of Hazardous Materials 190 (1-3), 622-630, 2011
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Articles 1–20