Leonardo Marino-Ramirez
Leonardo Marino-Ramirez
Stadtman Investigator, NIMHD
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Histone structure and nucleosome stability
L Mariño-Ramírez, MG Kann, BA Shoemaker, D Landsman
Expert review of proteomics 2 (5), 719-729, 2005
Origin and evolution of human microRNAs from transposable elements
J Piriyapongsa, L Mariño-Ramirez, IK Jordan
Genetics 176 (2), 1323-1337, 2007
Conservation and coevolution in the scale-free human gene coexpression network
IK Jordan, L Mariño-Ramírez, YI Wolf, EV Koonin
Molecular biology and evolution 21 (11), 2058-2070, 2004
TPMCalculator: one-step software to quantify mRNA abundance of genomic features
R Vera Alvarez, LS Pongor, L Mariño-Ramírez, D Landsman
Bioinformatics 35 (11), 1960-1962, 2019
Evolutionary significance of gene expression divergence
IK Jordan, L Mariño-Ramírez, EV Koonin
Gene 345 (1), 119-126, 2005
HistoneDB 2.0: a histone database with variants—an integrated resource to explore histones and their variants
EJ Draizen, AK Shaytan, L Mariño-Ramírez, PB Talbert, D Landsman, ...
Database 2016, baw014, 2016
Statistical analysis of over‐represented words in human promoter sequences
L Mariño‐Ramírez, JL Spouge, GC Kanga, D Landsman
Nucleic acids research 32 (3), 949-958, 2004
Genetic ancestry, admixture and health determinants in Latin America
ET Norris, L Wang, AB Conley, L Rishishwar, L Mariño-Ramírez, ...
BMC genomics 19, 75-87, 2018
Transposable elements donate lineage-specific regulatory sequences to host genomes
L Marino-Ramirez, KC Lewis, D Landsman, IK Jordan
Cytogenetic and genome research 110 (1-4), 333-341, 2005
Widespread positive selection in synonymous sites of mammalian genes
AM Resch, L Carmel, L Mariño-Ramírez, AY Ogurtsov, SA Shabalina, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 24 (8), 1821-1831, 2007
Global similarity and local divergence in human and mouse gene co-expression networks
P Tsaparas, L Mariño-Ramírez, O Bodenreider, EV Koonin, IK Jordan
BMC evolutionary biology 6, 1-13, 2006
Evolutionary rates and patterns for human transcription factor binding sites derived from repetitive DNA
N Polavarapu, L Mariño-Ramírez, D Landsman, JF McDonald, IK Jordan
BMC genomics 9, 1-10, 2008
Mammalian-wide interspersed repeat (MIR)-derived enhancers and the regulation of human gene expression
D Jjingo, AB Conley, J Wang, L Mariño-Ramírez, VV Lunyak, IK Jordan
Mobile DNA 5, 1-12, 2014
Epigenetic histone modifications of human transposable elements: genome defense versus exaptation
A Huda, L Mariño-Ramírez, IK Jordan
Mobile DNA 1, 1-12, 2010
Benchmarking computational tools for polymorphic transposable element detection
L Rishishwar, L Mariño-Ramírez, IK Jordan
Briefings in Bioinformatics 18 (6), 908-918, 2017
Genome sequences for six Rhodanobacter strains, isolated from soils and the terrestrial subsurface, with variable denitrification capabilities
JE Kostka, SJ Green, L Rishishwar, O Prakash, LS Katz, ...
Journal of bacteriology 194 (16), 4461-4462, 2012
Global regulation by the yeast Spt10 protein is mediated through chromatin structure and the histone upstream activating sequence elements
PR Eriksson, G Mendiratta, NB McLaughlin, TG Wolfsberg, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 25 (20), 9127-9137, 2005
The Physalis peruviana leaf transcriptome: assembly, annotation and gene model prediction
GA Garzón-Martínez, ZI Zhu, D Landsman, LS Barrero, L Mariño-Ramírez
BMC genomics 13, 1-12, 2012
The histone database: a comprehensive resource for histones and histone fold‐containing proteins
L Mariño‐Ramírez, B Hsu, AD Baxevanis, D Landsman
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 62 (4), 838-842, 2006
Multiple independent evolutionary solutions to core histone gene regulation
L Mariño-Ramírez, IK Jordan, D Landsman
Genome biology 7, 1-17, 2006
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Articles 1–20