Hadas Mandel
Hadas Mandel
Professor of Sociology, Tel-Aviv University
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A welfare state paradox: State interventions and women’s employment opportunities in 22 countries
H Mandel, M Semyonov
American journal of sociology 111 (6), 1910-1949, 2006
Family policies, wage structures, and gender gaps: Sources of earnings inequality in 20 countries
H Mandel, M Semyonov
American sociological review 70 (6), 949-967, 2005
Gender pay gap and employment sector: Sources of earnings disparities in the United States, 1970–2010
H Mandel, M Semyonov
Demography 51 (5), 1597-1618, 2014
How welfare states shape the gender pay gap: A theoretical and comparative analysis
H Mandel, M Shalev
Social forces 87 (4), 1873-1911, 2009
Winners and losers: The consequences of welfare state policies for gender wage inequality
H Mandel
European Sociological Review 28 (2), 241-262, 2012
Going back in time? Gender differences in trends and sources of the racial pay gap, 1970 to 2010
H Mandel, M Semyonov
American Sociological Review 81 (5), 1039-1068, 2016
Gender, class, and varieties of capitalism
H Mandel, M Shalev
Social Politics 16 (2), 161-181, 2009
Configurations of gender inequality: the consequences of ideology and public policy1
H Mandel
The British journal of sociology 60 (4), 693-719, 2009
Up the down staircase: Women's upward mobility and the wage penalty for occupational feminization, 1970-2007
H Mandel
Social Forces 91 (4), 1183-1207, 2013
Inequality in the family: The institutional aspects of women’s earning contribution
H Stier, H Mandel
Social Science Research 38 (3), 594-608, 2009
Rethinking the paradox: Tradeoffs in work-family policy and patterns of gender inequality
H Mandel
Work and Family Policy, 43-60, 2013
Has the economic lockdown following the Covid-19 pandemic changed the gender division of labor in Israel?
M Yaish, H Mandel, T Kristal
Gender & Society 35 (2), 256-270, 2021
The gender revolution in Israel: Progress and stagnation
H Mandel, DP Birgier
Socioeconomic inequality in Israel: A theoretical and empirical analysis …, 2016
Economic exchange or gender identities? Housework division and wives’ economic dependency in different contexts
H Mandel, A Lazarus, M Shaby
European Sociological Review 36 (6), 831-851, 2020
A second look at the process of occupational feminization and pay reduction in occupations
H Mandel
Demography 55, 669-690, 2018
The role of occupational attributes in gender earnings inequality, 1970–2010
H Mandel
Social science research 55, 122-138, 2016
Updated socioeconomic scale for occupations in Israel
M Semyonov, N Lewin-Epstein, H Mandel
Megamwt 40 (4), 706-729, 2000
Contextual effects on the gendered division of housework: A cross-country and cross-time analysis
H Mandel, A Lazarus
Sex Roles 85 (3), 205-220, 2021
Occupational mobility of American women: Compositional and structural changes, 1980–2007
H Mandel
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 30 (1), 5-16, 2012
Inequality in the family: The institutional aspects of wives' earning dependency
H Stier, H Mandel
LIS Working Paper Series, 2003
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Articles 1–20