Yann Le Gorrec
Yann Le Gorrec
Professeur d'Automatique ENSMM
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Dirac structures and boundary control systems associated with skew-symmetric differential operators
Y Le Gorrec, H Zwart, B Maschke
SIAM journal on control and optimization 44 (5), 1864-1892, 2005
Bouc–Wen modeling and feedforward control of multivariable hysteresis in piezoelectric systems: Application to a 3-DoF piezotube scanner
D Habineza, M Rakotondrabe, Y Le Gorrec
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23 (5), 1797-1806, 2015
The port Hamiltonian approach to modeling and control of continuous stirred tank reactors
H Hoang, F Couenne, C Jallut, Y Le Gorrec
Journal of Process Control 21 (10), 1449-1458, 2011
Exponential stability of a class of boundary control systems
JA Villegas, H Zwart, Y Le Gorrec, B Maschke
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (1), 142-147, 2009
Modeling and optimal force control of a nonlinear electrostatic microgripper
M Boudaoud, Y Haddab, Y Le Gorrec
IEEE/ASME Transactions on mechatronics 18 (3), 1130-1139, 2012
Exponential stabilization of boundary controlled port-Hamiltonian systems with dynamic feedback
H Ramírez, Y Le Gorrec, A Macchelli, H Zwart
IEEE transactions on automatic control 59 (10), 2849-2855, 2014
Well-posedness and regularity of hyperbolic boundary control systemson a one-dimensional spatial domain
H Zwart, Y Le Gorrec, B Maschke, J Villegas
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 16 (4), 1077-1093, 2010
Lyapunov-based control of non isothermal continuous stirred tank reactors using irreversible thermodynamics
H Hoang, F Couenne, C Jallut, Y Le Gorrec
Journal of Process Control 22 (2), 412-422, 2012
On the synthesis of boundary control laws for distributed port-Hamiltonian systems
A Macchelli, Y Le Gorrec, H Ramírez, H Zwart
IEEE transactions on automatic control 62 (4), 1700-1713, 2016
Generic dynamic model for simulation and control of reactive extrusion
S Choulak, F Couenne, Y Le Gorrec, C Jallut, P Cassagnau, A Michel
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 43 (23), 7373-7382, 2004
On the passivity based control of irreversible processes: A port-Hamiltonian approach
H Ramirez, Y Le Gorrec, B Maschke, F Couenne
Automatica 64, 105-111, 2016
Finite differences on staggered grids preserving the port-Hamiltonian structure with application to an acoustic duct
V Trenchant, H Ramirez, Y Le Gorrec, P Kotyczka
Journal of Computational Physics 373, 673-697, 2018
Stabilization of infinite dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems by nonlinear dynamic boundary control
H Ramirez, H Zwart, Y Le Gorrec
Automatica 85, 61-69, 2017
Stability and stabilization of a class of boundary control systems
JA Villegas, H Zwart, Y Le Gorrec, B Maschke, AJ Van Der Schaft
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3850-3855, 2005
A multimodel-based approach to robust and self-scheduled control design
JF Magni, Y Le Gorrec, C Chiappa
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No …, 1998
Modal multimodel control design approach applied to aircraft autopilot design
YL Gorrec, JF Magni, C Doll, C Chiappa
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 21 (1), 77-83, 1998
Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys as smart materials for micro-positioning devices.
A Hubert, N Calchand, Y Le Gorrec, JY Gauthier
Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium, AES'12., 1-10, 2012
Structure-preserving infinite dimensional model reduction: Application to adsorption processes
A Baaiu, F Couenne, L Lefevre, Y Le Gorrec, M Tayakout
Journal of Process Control 19 (3), 394-404, 2009
Thermodynamics based stability analysis and its use for nonlinear stabilization of the CSTR
NH Hoang, F Couenne, C Jallut, Y Le Gorrec
Computers & Chemical Engineering 58, 156-177, 2013
Multivariable compensation of hysteresis, creep, badly damped vibration, and cross couplings in multiaxes piezoelectric actuators
D Habineza, M Zouari, Y Le Gorrec, M Rakotondrabe
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 15 (4), 1639-1653, 2017
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Articles 1–20