Vittorio G. Palmieri
Vittorio G. Palmieri
TVP Solar SA
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Observation of energy levels quantization in underdamped Josephson junctions above the classical-quantum regime crossover temperature
P Silvestrini, VG Palmieri, B Ruggiero, M Russo
Physical review letters 79 (16), 3046, 1997
Total cross-section, elastic scattering and diffraction dissociation at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN: TOTEM Technical Design Report
A Kok, P Musico, J Hasi, G Ruggiero, V Kundrát, E Goussev, ...
CERN, 2004
Proton irradiation of CVD diamond detectors for high-luminosity experiments at the LHC
D Meier, W Adam, C Bauer, E Berdermann, P Bergonzo, F Bogani, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
Charge collection efficiency of irradiated silicon detector operated at cryogenic temperatures
K Borer, S Janos, VG Palmieri, B Dezillie, Z Li, P Collins, TO Niinikoski, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000
Review of the development of diamond radiation sensors
W Adam, C Bauer, E Berdermann, P Bergonzo, F Bogani, E Borchi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
Evidence for charge collection efficiency recovery in heavily irradiated silicon detectors operated at cryogenic temperatures
VG Palmieri, K Borer, S Janos, C Da Viá, L Casagrande
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1998
Planar edgeless silicon detectors for the TOTEM experiment
G Ruggiero, E Alagoz, V Avati, V Bassetti, V Berardi, V Bergholm, ...
IEEE transactions on nuclear science 52 (5), 1899-1902, 2005
Development of diamond tracking detectors for high luminosity experiments at the LHC
W Adam, M Pernicka, R Potenza, C Colledani, H Kagan, J Noomen, ...
Supercurrent decay in extremely underdamped Josephson junctions
B Ruggiero, C Granata, VG Palmieri, A Esposito, M Russo, P Silvestrini
Physical Review B 57 (1), 134, 1998
The first bump-bonded pixel detectors on CVD diamond
W Adam, C Bauer, E Berdermann, P Bergonzo, F Bogani, E Borchi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
The effect of charge collection recovery in silicon p–n junction detectors irradiated by different particles
E Verbitskaya, M Abreu, P Anbinderis, T Anbinderis, N D'Ambrosio, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2003
TOTEM: Technical design report. Total cross section, elastic scattering and diffraction dissociation at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
TOTEM collaboration, V Berardi
CERN-LHCC-2004-002, 2004
Charge collection efficiency and resolution of an irradiated double-sided silicon microstrip detector operated at cryogenic temperatures
K Borer, S Janos, VG Palmieri, J Buytaert, V Chabaud, P Chochula, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000
CVD diamond detectors for ionizing radiation
M Friedl, W Adam, C Bauer, E Berdermann, P Bergonzo, F Bogani, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
Effects of energy-level quantization on the supercurrent decay of Josephson junctions
B Ruggiero, MG Castellano, G Torrioli, C Cosmelli, F Chiarello, ...
Physical Review B 59 (1), 177, 1999
Optimization of electric field distribution by free carrier injection in silicon detectors operated at low temperatures
E Verbitskaya, A Abreu, V Bartsch, W Bell, P Berglund, J Bol, W De Boer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 49 (1), 258-263, 2002
A prototypal high-vacuum integrated collector storage solar water heater: Experimentation, design, and optimization through a new in-house 3D dynamic simulation model
G Barone, A Buonomano, V Palmieri, A Palombo
Energy 238, 122065, 2022
Characterization of selective solar absorber under high vacuum
R Russo, M Monti, F di Giamberardino, VG Palmieri
Optics Express 26 (10), A480-A486, 2018
Tracking with CVD diamond radiation sensors at high luminosity colliders
S Schnetzer
1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 1998 IEEE Nuclear …, 1998
Effect of intense proton irradiation on properties of Josephson devices
S Pagano, R Cristiano, L Frunzio, VG Palmieri, G Pepe, R Gerbaldo, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 7 (2), 2917-2920, 1997
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Articles 1–20