Thomas Winkler
Cited by
Cited by
Security and Privacy Protection in Visual Sensor Networks: A Survey
T Winkler, B Rinner
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 47 (1), 2, 2014
The evolution from single to pervasive smart cameras
B Rinner, T Winkler, W Schriebl, M Quaritsch, W Wolf
Distributed Smart Cameras, 2008. ICDSC 2008. Second ACM/IEEE International …, 2008
TrustCAM: security and privacy-protection for an embedded smart camera based on trusted computing
T Winkler, B Rinner
Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2010 Seventh IEEE …, 2010
Adaptive cartooning for privacy protection in camera networks
A Erdélyi, T Barát, P Valet, T Winkler, B Rinner
Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2014 11th IEEE …, 2014
Securing embedded smart cameras with trusted computing
T Winkler, B Rinner
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 8, 2011
TrustEYE. M4: protecting the sensor—not the camera
T Winkler, A Erdélyi, B Rinner
Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2014 11th IEEE …, 2014
User-centric privacy awareness in video surveillance
T Winkler, B Rinner
Multimedia Systems, 1-23, 0
A systematic approach towards user-centric privacy and security for smart camera networks
T Winkler, B Rinner
Proceedings of the Fourth ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed …, 2010
Integrating multi-camera tracking into a dynamic task allocation system for smart cameras
M Bramberger, M Quaritsch, T Winkler, B Rinner, H Schwabach
Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2005. AVSS 2005. IEEE …, 2005
Privacy protection vs. utility in visual data
A Erdélyi, T Winkler, B Rinner
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77 (2), 2285-2312, 2018
A pervasive smart camera network architecture applied for multi-camera object classification
W Schriebl, T Winkler, A Starzacher, B Rinner
Distributed Smart Cameras, 2009. ICDSC 2009. Third ACM/IEEE International …, 2009
Sensor-level security and privacy protection by embedding video content analysis
T Winkler, B Rinner
Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2013 18th International Conference on, 1-6, 2013
A practical approach for establishing trust relationships between remote platforms using trusted computing
K Dietrich, M Pirker, T Vejda, R Toegl, T Winkler, P Lipp
Trustworthy Global Computing, 156-168, 2008
Pervasive smart camera networks exploiting heterogeneous wireless channels
T Winkler, B Rinner
Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2009. PerCom 2009. IEEE …, 2009
Serious Fun: Cartooning for Privacy Protection.
Á Erdélyi, T Winkler, B Rinner
MediaEval, 2013
Towards platform-independent trusted computing
R Toegl, T Winkler, M Nauman, T Hong
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM workshop on Scalable trusted computing, 61-66, 2009
Applications of trusted computing in pervasive smart camera networks
T Winkler, B Rinner
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security, 2, 2009
Towards trust services for language-based virtual machines for grid computing
T Vejda, R Toegl, M Pirker, T Winkler
Trusted Computing-Challenges and Applications, 48-59, 2008
Trusted computing for the Java TM platform
M Pirker, R Toegl, T Winkler, T Vejda
Linux Security Modules Enhancements: Module Stacking Framework and TCP State Transition Hooks for State-Driven NIDS
M Quaritsch, T Winkler
Secure Information and Communication 7, 2004
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Articles 1–20