Yara Khawaja
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Cited by
Battery management solutions for li-ion batteries based on artificial intelligence
Y Khawaja, N Shankar, I Qiqieh, J Alzubi, O Alzubi, MK Nallakaruppan, ...
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (12), 102213, 2023
An integrated framework for sizing and energy management of hybrid energy systems using finite automata
Y Khawaja, A Allahham, D Giaouris, C Patsios, S Walker, I Qiqieh
Applied Energy 250, 257-272, 2019
Design of cost-based sizing and energy management framework for standalone microgrid using reinforcement learning
Y Khawaja, I Qiqieh, J Alzubi, O Alzubi, A Allahham, D Giaouris
Solar Energy 251, 249-260, 2023
Optimal cost-based model for sizing grid-connected PV and battery energy system
Y Khawaja, D Giaouris, H Patsios, M Dahidah
2017 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing …, 2017
Investigation of weather conditions on the output power of various photovoltaic systems
R Shadid, Y Khawaja, A Bani-Abdullah, M Akho-Zahieh, A Allahham
Renewable energy 217, 119202, 2023
Investigations into microgrid sizing and energy management strategies
YJS Khawaja
Newcastle University, 2019
Recognizing Traffic Lights of Interest for Vehicle Driver without Prior Information.
R Shadid, W Shadid, Y Khawaja
International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing & Its Applications 15 (2), 2023
Supervision Control and Energy Management Strategies for Grid-Connected Microgrids Using Finite Automata
Y Khawaja, A Allahham, D Giaouris, C Patsios, M Dahidah
UK Energy Storage 2018 (UKES2018), 2018
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Articles 1–8