Qingbo He
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Cited by
Energy-fluctuated multiscale feature learning with deep convnet for intelligent spindle bearing fault diagnosis
X Ding, Q He
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2017
A review of stochastic resonance in rotating machine fault detection
S Lu, Q He, J Wang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 116, 230-260, 2019
Subspace-based gearbox condition monitoring by kernel principal component analysis
Q He, F Kong, R Yan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 21 (4), 1755-1772, 2007
Effects of multiscale noise tuning on stochastic resonance for weak signal detection
Q He, J Wang
Digital Signal Processing 22 (4), 614-621, 2012
Multiscale noise tuning of stochastic resonance for enhanced fault diagnosis in rotating machines
Q He, J Wang, Y Liu, D Dai, F Kong
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 28, 443-457, 2012
Machine condition monitoring using principal component representations
Q He, R Yan, F Kong, R Du
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 23 (2), 446-466, 2009
Effects of underdamped step-varying second-order stochastic resonance for weak signal detection
S Lu, Q He, F Kong
Digital Signal Processing 36, 93-103, 2015
Vibration signal classification by wavelet packet energy flow manifold learning
Q He
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (7), 1881-1894, 2013
Adaptive multiscale noise tuning stochastic resonance for health diagnosis of rolling element bearings
J Wang, Q He, F Kong
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on 64 (2), 564-577, 2015
Stochastic resonance with Woods–Saxon potential for rolling element bearing fault diagnosis
S Lu, Q He, F Kong
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 45 (2), 488–503, 2014
Wayside acoustic diagnosis of defective train bearings based on signal resampling and information enhancement
Q He, J Wang, F Hu, F Kong
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (21), 5635-5649, 2013
Fault diagnosis of motor bearing with speed fluctuation via angular resampling of transient sound signals
S Lu, X Wang, Q He, F Liu, Y Liu
Journal of Sound and Vibration 385, 16-32, 2016
A fusion feature and its improvement based on locality preserving projections for rolling element bearing fault classification
X Ding, Q He, N Luo
Journal of Sound and Vibration 335, 367-383, 2015
Structure damage localization with ultrasonic guided waves based on a time–frequency method
D Dai, Q He
Signal Processing 96, 21-28, 2014
Online Fault Diagnosis of Motor Bearing via Stochastic-Resonance-Based Adaptive Filter in an Embedded System
S Lu, Q He, T Yuan, F Kong
Bearing fault diagnosis of a permanent magnet synchronous motor via a fast and online order analysis method in an embedded system
S Lu, Q He, J Zhao
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017
Sequential Multiscale Noise Tuning Stochastic Resonance for Train Bearing Fault Diagnosis in an Embedded System
S Lu, Q He, F Hu, F Kong
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions 63 (1), 106-116, 2014
Time-frequency manifold as a signature for machine health diagnosis
Q He, Y Liu, Q Long, J Wang
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on 61 (5), 1218-1230, 2012
Multiscale slope feature extraction for rotating machinery fault diagnosis using wavelet analysis
P Li, F Kong, Q He, Y Liu
Measurement 46 (1), 497-505, 2013
Time–frequency manifold for nonlinear feature extraction in machinery fault diagnosis
Q He
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 35 (1), 200-218, 2013
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Articles 1–20