Yoshitaka Ehara
Yoshitaka Ehara
National Defence Academy
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Electric-field-temperature phase diagram of Mn-doped Bi0. 5 (Na0. 9K0. 1) 0.5 TiO3 ceramics
Y Ehara, N Novak, S Yasui, M Itoh, KG Webber
Applied Physics Letters 107 (26), 2015
Configuration and local elastic interaction of ferroelectric domains and misfit dislocation in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 epitaxial thin films
T Kiguchi, K Aoyagi, Y Ehara, H Funakubo, T Yamada, N Usami, ...
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2011
Relaxor-ferroelectric crossover in : Origin of the spontaneous phase transition and the effect of an applied external field
M Hagiwara, Y Ehara, N Novak, NH Khansur, A Ayrikyan, KG Webber, ...
Physical Review B 96 (1), 014103, 2017
Phase transformation induced by electric field and mechanical stress in Mn-doped (Bi1/2Na1/2) TiO3-(Bi1/2K1/2) TiO3 ceramics
Y Ehara, N Novak, A Ayrikyan, PT Geiger, KG Webber
Journal of applied physics 120 (17), 2016
Dynamic piezoresponse force microscopy: spatially resolved probing of polarization dynamics in time and voltage domains
A Kumar, Y Ehara, A Wada, H Funakubo, F Griggio, S Trolier-McKinstry, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (5), 2012
Dependence of e31, f on polar axis texture for tetragonal Pb (Zrx, Ti1− x) O3 thin films
CB Yeager, Y Ehara, N Oshima, H Funakubo, S Trolier-McKinstry
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (10), 2014
Direct observation of intrinsic piezoelectricity of Pb (Zr, Ti) O3 by time-resolved x-ray diffraction measurement using single-crystalline films
T Fujisawa, Y Ehara, S Yasui, T Kamo, T Yamada, O Sakata, H Funakubo
Applied Physics Letters 105 (1), 2014
In-situ observation of ultrafast 90° domain switching under application of an electric field in (100)/(001)-oriented tetragonal epitaxial Pb(Zr0.4Ti0.6)O3 thin films
Y Ehara, S Yasui, T Oikawa, T Shiraishi, T Shimizu, H Tanaka, N Kanenko, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 9641, 2017
Ultrafast switching of ferroelastic nanodomains in bilayered ferroelectric thin films
Y Ehara, S Yasui, J Nagata, D Kan, V Anbusathaiah, T Yamada, O Sakata, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (18), 2011
Experimental evidence for orientation property of Pb (Zr0. 35Ti0. 65) O3 by manipulating polar axis angle using CaF2 substrate
S Utsugi, T Fujisawa, Y Ehara, T Yamada, M Matsushima, H Morioka, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (10), 2010
Electric field–temperature phase diagram of sodium bismuth titanate-based relaxor ferroelectrics
F Weyland, M Acosta, M Vögler, Y Ehara, J Rödel, N Novak
Journal of Materials Science 53 (13), 9393-9400, 2018
Nanoscale origins of nonlinear behavior in ferroic thin films
RK Vasudevan, MB Okatan, C Duan, Y Ehara, H Funakubo, A Kumar, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (1), 81-90, 2013
Spontaneous polarization estimation from the soft mode in strain-free epitaxial polar axis-oriented Pb (Zr, Ti) O3 thick films with tetragonal symmetry
Y Ehara, S Utsugi, M Nakajima, T Yamada, T Iijima, H Taniguchi, M Itoh, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (14), 2011
Impact of pulse poling on static and dynamic ferroelastic-domain contributions in tetragonal Pb (Ti, Zr) O3 films determined by in-situ x–ray diffraction analysis
M Nakajima, A Wada, T Yamada, Y Ehara, T Kobayashi, H Funakubo
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (19), 2014
In situ Raman spectroscopy for characterization of the domain contributions to electrical and piezoelectric responses in Pb (Zr, Ti) O3 films
M Nakajima, H Nakaki, Y Ehara, T Yamada, K Nishida, T Yamamoto, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (18), 2010
Epitaxial PbZrxTi1−xO3 Ferroelectric Bilayers with Giant Electromechanical Properties
HH Huang, Q Zhang, E Huang, R Maran, O Sakata, Y Ehara, T Shiraishi, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 2 (8), 1500075, 2015
Orientation control of (001) and (101) in epitaxial tetragonal Pb (Zr, Ti) O3 films with (100)/(001) and (110)/(101) mixture orientations
S Utsugi, T Fujisawa, Y Ehara, T Yamada, S Yasui, MT Chentir, H Morioka, ...
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 118 (1380), 627-630, 2010
Diffraction contrast analysis of 90° and 180° ferroelectric domain structures of PbTiO3 thin films
K Aoyagi, T Kiguchi, Y Ehara, T Yamada, H Funakubo, TJ Konno
Science and technology of advanced materials 12 (3), 034403, 2011
Enhancement of crystal anisotropy and ferroelectricity by decreasing thickness in (Al, Sc) N films
S Yasuoka, R Mizutani, R Ota, T Shiraishi, T Shimizu, S Yasui, Y Ehara, ...
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 130 (7), 436-441, 2022
Film thickness dependence of ferroelectric properties of (111)-oriented epitaxial Bi (Mg1/2Ti1/2) O3 films
T Oikawa, S Yasui, T Watanabe, H Yabuta, Y Ehara, T Fukui, H Funakubo
Japanese journal of applied physics 51 (9S1), 09LA04, 2012
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Articles 1–20