Aurona Gerber
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the future of enterprise architecture: A Zachman perspective
J Lapalme, A Gerber, A Van der Merwe, J Zachman, M De Vries, ...
Computers in Industry 79, 103-113, 2016
A new paradigm for the continuous alignment of business and IT: Combining enterprise architecture modelling and enterprise ontology
K Hinkelmann, A Gerber, D Karagiannis, B Thoenssen, A Van der Merwe, ...
Computers in Industry 79, 77-86, 2016
A functional semantic web architecture
A Gerber, A Van der Merwe, A Barnard
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 5th European Semantic Web …, 2008
Guidelines for conducting design science research in information systems
A Van der Merwe, A Gerber, H Smuts
Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association …, 2019
The Zachman framework for enterprise architecture: an explanatory IS theory
A Gerber, P Le Roux, C Kearney, A van Der Merwe
Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication …, 2020
Enhancing Web Portals with Ontology-Based Data Access: The Case Study of South Africa's Accessibility Portal for People with Disabilities.
CM Keet, R Alberts, A Gerber, G Chimamiwa
OWLED 432, 2008
Towards a semantic web layered architecture
AJ Gerber, A Barnard, AJ Van der Merwe
Enterprise architecture for small and medium enterprise growth
D Jacobs, P Kotzé, A van der Merwe, A Gerber
Advances in Enterprise Engineering V: First Enterprise Engineering Working …, 2011
Data-driven enterprise architecture and the TOGAF ADM phases
C Kearny, A Gerber, A van der Merwe
2016 IEEE International conference on systems, man, and cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
Towards the formalisation of the TOGAF Content Metamodel using ontologies
A Gerber, P Kotzé, A Van der Merwe
Practical implications of rapid development methodologies
A Gerber, A Van der Merwe, R Alberts
Computer Science and Information Technology Education Conference, 2007
Phishing in the system of systems settings: mobile technology
A van der Merwe, R Seker, A Gerber
2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1, 492-498, 2005
A Semantic Web status model
AJ Gerber, A Barnard, AJ Van Der Merwe
Integrated Design & Process Technology, Special issue :IDPT2006, 2006
Design science research as research approach in doctoral studies
P Kotzé, A van der Merwe, A Gerber
AIS Electronic Library, 2015
Enterprise architecture as explanatory information systems theory for understanding small-and medium-sized enterprise growth
A Gerber, P Le Roux, A Van der Merwe
Sustainability 12 (20), 8517, 2020
The conceptual framework for financial reporting as a domain ontology
MC Gerber, AJ Gerber, A van der Merwe
Twenty-first Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico, 1-18, 2015
Mapping a design science research cycle to the postgraduate research report
A Van der Merwe, A Gerber, H Smuts
ICT Education: 46th Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer …, 2017
Converting to inclusive online flipped classrooms in response to Covid-19 lockdown
A Gerber, S Eybers
South African Journal of Higher Education 35 (4), 34-57, 2021
Extending the enterprise evolution contextualisation model
M de Vries, A van der Merwe, A Gerber
Enterprise Information Systems 11 (6), 787-827, 2017
A method for identifying process reuse opportunities to enhance the operating model
M de Vries, A van der Merwe, P Kotzé, A Gerber
2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2011
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Articles 1–20