Kateryna Foyevtsova
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as a Molecular Orbital Crystal
II Mazin, HO Jeschke, K Foyevtsova, R Valentí, DI Khomskii
Physical review letters 109 (19), 197201, 2012
Ab initio analysis of the tight-binding parameters and magnetic interactions in NaIrO
K Foyevtsova, HO Jeschke, II Mazin, DI Khomskii, R Valentí
Physical Review B 88 (3), 035107, 2013
LDA DMFT study of the effects of correlation in LiFeAs
J Ferber, K Foyevtsova, R Valentí, HO Jeschke
Physical Review B 85 (9), 094505, 2012
Ab initio Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Spin Superexchange in Cuprates: The Benchmarking Case of
K Foyevtsova, JT Krogel, J Kim, PRC Kent, E Dagotto, FA Reboredo
Physical Review X 4 (3), 031003, 2014
Origin of the insulating state in honeycomb iridates and rhodates
II Mazin, S Manni, K Foyevtsova, HO Jeschke, P Gegenwart, R Valentí
Physical Review B 88 (3), 035115, 2013
Liquidlike correlations in single-crystalline YMoO: An unconventional spin glass
HJ Silverstein, K Fritsch, F Flicker, AM Hallas, JS Gardner, Y Qiu, G Ehlers, ...
Physical Review B 89 (5), 054433, 2014
Hybridization effects and bond disproportionation in the bismuth perovskites
K Foyevtsova, A Khazraie, I Elfimov, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 91 (12), 121114, 2015
Oxygen holes and hybridization in the bismuthates
A Khazraie, K Foyevtsova, I Elfimov, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 97 (7), 075103, 2018
Localized itinerant electrons and unique magnetic properties of
S Streltsov, II Mazin, K Foyevtsova
Physical Review B 92 (13), 134408, 2015
Unveiling the microscopic nature of correlated organic conductors: The case of -(ET)[N(CN)]BrCl
J Ferber, K Foyevtsova, HO Jeschke, R Valentí
Physical Review B 89 (20), 205106, 2014
Dynamical cluster approximation within an augmented plane wave framework: Spectral properties of SrVO
H Lee, K Foyevtsova, J Ferber, M Aichhorn, HO Jeschke, R Valenti
Physical Review B 85 (16), 165103, 2012
Analysis of the optical conductivity for from first principles
Y Li, K Foyevtsova, HO Jeschke, R Valentí
Physical Review B 91 (16), 161101, 2015
Determination of effective microscopic models for the frustrated antiferromagnets CsCuCl and CsCuBr by density functional methods
K Foyevtsova, I Opahle, YZ Zhang, HO Jeschke, R Valentí
Physical Review B 83 (12), 125126, 2011
as a high-entropy charge- and bond-disproportionated glass
K Foyevtsova, I Elfimov, J Rottler, GA Sawatzky
Physical Review B 100 (16), 165104, 2019
Experimental and theoretical study of the electronic structure of single-crystal
S Balandeh, RJ Green, K Foyevtsova, S Chi, O Foyevtsov, F Li, ...
Physical Review B 96 (16), 165127, 2017
Distinct magnetic regimes through site-selective atom substitution in the frustrated quantum antiferromagnet CsCuClBr
PT Cong, B Wolf, M De Souza, N Krüger, AA Haghighirad, ...
Physical Review B 83 (6), 064425, 2011
Rapid Commun
Y Li, K Foyevtsova, HO Jeschke, R Valentí
Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 91, 161101, 2015
Single-crystalline epitaxial TiO film: A metal and superconductor, similar to Ti metal
F Li, Y Zou, MG Han, K Foyevtsova, H Shin, S Lee, C Liu, K Shin, ...
Science Advances 7 (2), eabd4248, 2021
Correlation induced electron-hole asymmetry in quasi-two-dimensional iridates
EM Pärschke, K Wohlfeld, K Foyevtsova, J van den Brink
Nature Communications 8 (1), 686, 2017
Effect of dopant atoms on local superexchange in cuprate superconductors: A perturbative treatment
K Foyevtsova, R Valentí, PJ Hirschfeld
Physical Review B 79 (14), 144424, 2009
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Articles 1–20