Paul C. Wood
Paul C. Wood
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Cited by
Rafiki: a middleware for parameter tuning of NoSQL datastores for dynamic metagenomics workloads
A Mahgoub, P Wood, S Ganesh, S Mitra, W Gerlach, T Harrison, F Meyer, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference, 28-40, 2017
Dependability in edge computing
S Bagchi, MB Siddiqui, P Wood, H Zhang
Communications of the ACM 63 (1), 58-66, 2019
SOPHIA: Online Reconfiguration of Clustered NoSQL Databases for Time-Varying Workloads
A Mahgoub, P Wood, A Medoff, S Mitra, F Meyer, S Chaterji, S Bagchi
2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 19), 2019
ACAS sXu: Robust Decentralized Detect and Avoid for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
LE Alvarez, I Jessen, MP Owen, J Silbermann, P Wood
2019 IEEE/AIAA 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-9, 2019
GPUMixer: Performance-Driven Floating-Point Tuning for GPU Scientific Applications
I Laguna, PC Wood, R Singh, S Bagchi
International Conference on High Performance Computing, 227-246, 2019
AMPT-GA: automatic mixed precision floating point tuning for GPU applications
PV Kotipalli, R Singh, P Wood, I Laguna, S Bagchi
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, 160-170, 2019
Denial of Service Elusion (DoSE): Keeping Clients Connected for Less
P Wood, C Gutierrez, S Bagchi
34th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2015
A Framework for Evaluating the Resilience of Dynamic Real-Time Market Mechanisms
P Wood, D Shiltz, TR Nudell, A Hussain, AM Annaswamy
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9, 2016
System of systems uncertainty quantification using machine learning techniques with smart grid application
AK Raz, PC Wood, L Mockus, DA DeLaurentis
Systems Engineering 23 (6), 770-782, 2020
Synthesizing and Specifying Architectures for System of Systems
CR Kenley, TM Dannenhoffer, PC Wood, DA DeLaurentis
24th Annual INCOSE International Symposium 24 (1), 94-107, 2014
Identifying Interactions for Information Fusion System Design Using Machine Learning Techniques
AK Raz, PC Wood, L Mockus, J Llinas, DA DeLaurentis
21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2018), 2018
Modeling Deception In Information Security As A Hypergame–A Primer
CN Gutierrez, S Bagchi, H Mohammed, J Avery
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Information Security Symposium, 41, 2015
Agile services and analysis framework for autonomous and autonomic critical infrastructure
J Maurio, P Wood, S Zanlongo, J Silbermann, T Sookoor, A Lorenzo, ...
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 1-12, 2021
Clustered database reconfiguration system for time-varying workloads
S Bagchi, S Chaterji, PC Wood, A Mahgoub
US Patent 11,436,207, 2022
Profiting from Attacks on Real-Time Price Communications in Smart Grids
P Wood, S Bagchi, A Hussain
9th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS 2017), 2017
Dependability in Edge Computing
P Wood, H Zhang, MB Siddiqui, S Bagchi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.11222, 2017
Defending Against Strategic Adversaries in Dynamic Pricing Markets for Smart Grids
P Wood, S Bagchi, A Hussain
8th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS 2016), 2016
Snowpack: Efficient Parameter Choice for GPU Kernels via Static Analysis and Statistical Prediction
R Singh, P Wood, R Gupta, S Bagchi, I Laguna
ScalA'17: 8th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large …, 2017
Optimizing Defensive Investments in Energy-Based Cyber-Physical Systems
P Wood, S Bagchi, A Hussain
20th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric …, 2015
TOPHAT: Topology-based Host-Level Attribution for Multi-Stage Attacks in Enterprise Systems using Software Defined Networks
S Kannan, P Wood, L Deatrick, P Beane, S Chaterji, S Bagchi
SecureComm 2017, 2017
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Articles 1–20