Nayeem Md Faruk, P.E.
Cited by
Cited by
Use of the MSCR test to characterize the asphalt binder properties relative to HMA rutting performance–A laboratory study
J Zhang, LF Walubita, ANM Faruk, P Karki, GS Simate
Construction and Building Materials 94, 218-227, 2015
Texas flexible pavements and overlays: year 5 report-complete data documentation.
LF Walubita, SI Lee, ANM Faruk, T Scullion, S Nazarian, I Abdallah
Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2017
The Hamburg rutting test–Effects of HMA sample sitting time and test temperature variation
LF Walubita, ANM Faruk, J Zhang, X Hu, SI Lee
Construction and Building Materials 108, 22-28, 2016
The overlay tester: a sensitivity study to improve repeatability and minimize variability in the test results.
LF Walubita, AN Faruk, G Das, HA Tanvir, J Zhang, T Scullion
Texas Transportation Institute, 2012
The Overlay Tester (OT): Comparison with Other Crack Test Methods and Recommendations for Surrogate Crack Tests [and supporting files]
LF Walubita, AN Faruk, Y Koohi, R Luo, T Scullion, RL Lytton
Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office, 2012
Traffic volume and load data measurement using a portable weigh in motion system: A case study
ANM Faruk, W Liu, SI Lee, B Naik, DH Chen, LF Walubita
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 9 (3), 202-213, 2016
Prospective of societal and environmental benefits of piezoelectric technology in road energy harvesting
LF Walubita, DC Sohoulande Djebou, ANM Faruk, SI Lee, S Dessouky, ...
Sustainability 10 (2), 383, 2018
Effects of tire inclination (turning traffic) and dynamic loading on the pavement stress–strain responses using 3-D finite element modeling
X Hu, ANM Faruk, J Zhang, MI Souliman, LF Walubita
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 10 (4), 304-314, 2017
The Overlay Tester (OT): Using the Fracture Energy Index concept to analyze the OT monotonic loading test data
LF Walubita, ANM Faruk, AE Alvarez, T Scullion
Construction and Building Materials 40, 802-811, 2013
Characterizing the cracking and fracture properties of geosynthetic interlayer reinforced HMA samples using the Overlay Tester (OT)
LF Walubita, ANM Faruk, J Zhang, X Hu
Construction and Building Materials 93, 695-702, 2015
Using the fracture energy index concept to characterize the HMA cracking resistance potential under monotonic crack testing
ANM Faruk, X Hu, Y Lopez, LF Walubita
International journal of pavement research and technology 7 (1), 40, 2014
Measurement of HMA shear resistance potential in the lab: The Simple Punching Shear Test
ANM Faruk, SI Lee, J Zhang, B Naik, LF Walubita
Construction and Building Materials 99, 62-72, 2015
Relating asphalt binder elastic recovery properties to HMA cracking and fracture properties
J Zhang, ANM Faruk, P Karki, I Holleran, X Hu, LF Walubita
Construction and Building Materials 121, 236-245, 2016
The Hamburg Rutting Test (HWTT) alternative data analysis methods and HMA screening criteria
LF Walubita, ANM Faruk, J Zhang, JJ Komba, EI Alrashydah, GS Simate
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12, 110-116, 2019
Laboratory hot-mix asphalt cracking testing: evaluation of three repeated loading crack tests
LF Walubita, ANM Faruk, AE Alvarez, R Izzo, B Haggerty, T Scullion
Transportation research record 2373 (1), 81-88, 2013
HMA shear resistance, permanent deformation, and rutting tests for Texas mixes: final year-2 report.
LF Walubita, ANM Faruk, SI Lee, D Nguyen, R Hassan, T Scullion
Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2014
Using the Simple Punching Shear Test (SPST) for evaluating the HMA shear properties and predicting field rutting performance
LF Walubita, ANM Faruk, L Fuentes, A Prakoso, S Dessouky, B Naik, ...
Construction and Building Materials 224, 920-929, 2019
Comparison of fracture cracking parameters from monotonic loading tests: indirect tension and monotonic overlay tester tests
SI Lee, ANM Faruk, LF Walubita
Transportation Research Record 2576 (1), 19-27, 2016
Prediction of micro and nano indentation size effects from spherical indenters
RK Abu Al-Rub, ANM Faruk
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 19 (1-3), 119-128, 2012
HMA shear resistance, permanent deformation, and rutting tests for Texas mixes: year-1 report.
LF Walubita, SI Lee, J Zhang, ANM Faruk, S Nguyen, T Scullion
Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office, 2014
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Articles 1–20