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Cited by
A safety/security risk analysis approach of Industrial Control Systems: A cyber bowtie–combining new version of attack tree with bowtie analysis
H Abdo, M Kaouk, JM Flaus, F Masse
Computers & security 72, 175-195, 2018
Modelling of hydrogen production in batch cultures of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus
J Obeid, JP Magnin, JM Flaus, O Adrot, JC Willison, R Zlatev
international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (1), 180-185, 2009
An Eco1-independent sister chromatid cohesion establishment pathway in S. cerevisiae
V Borges, DJ Smith, I Whitehouse, F Uhlmann
Chromosoma 122, 121-134, 2013
Review of machine learning approaches in fault diagnosis applied to IoT systems
NG Lo, JM Flaus, O Adrot
2019 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), 1-6, 2019
Uncertainty quantification in dynamic system risk assessment: a new approach with randomness and fuzzy theory
H Abdo, JM Flaus
International Journal of Production Research 54 (19), 5862-5885, 2016
Risk analysis: socio-technical and industrial systems
JM Flaus
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Industrial emergency planning modeling: A first step toward a robustness analysis tool
GM Karagiannis, E Piatyszek, JM Flaus
Journal of hazardous materials 181 (1-3), 324-334, 2010
A method for sensor placement taking into account diagnosability criteria
A Yassine, S Ploix, JM Flaus
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 18 (4 …, 2008
Moving horizon state estimation with global convergence using interval techniques: application to biotechnological processes
H Valdés-González, JM Flaus, G Acuña
Journal of process control 13 (4), 325-336, 2003
An approach based on behavioral models and critical states distance notion for improving cybersecurity of industrial control systems
F Sicard, É Zamaï, JM Flaus
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 188, 584-603, 2019
Cybersecurity of industrial systems
JM Flaus
John Wiley & Sons, 2019
A Deep Learning Approach for Intrusion Detection System in Industry Network.
A Hijazi, A El Safadi, JM Flaus
BDCSIntell, 55-62, 2018
Chromatin dynamics at the replication fork: there's more to life than histones
I Whitehouse, DJ Smith
Current opinion in genetics & development 23 (2), 140-146, 2013
A new approach for designing model-based indirect sensors
L Boillereaux, JM Flaus
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 8 (4), 601-608, 2000
A review of intrusion detection systems for industrial control systems
M Kaouk, JM Flaus, ML Potet, R Groz
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2019
A logical framework for isolation in fault diagnosis
S Ploix, S Touaf, JM Flaus
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36 (5), 807-812, 2003
A model-based approach for systematic risk analysis
JM Flaus
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2008
Monte Carlo simulation to solve fuzzy dynamic fault tree
H Abdo, JM Flaus
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (12), 1886-1891, 2016
Uncertainty quantification in risk assessment-representation, propagation and treatment approaches: application to atmospheric dispersion modeling
H Abdo, JM Flaus, F Masse
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 49, 551-571, 2017
State estimation of a batch hydrogen production process using the photosynthetic bacteria Rhodobacter capsulatus
J Obeid, JM Flaus, O Adrot, JP Magnin, JC Willison
International journal of hydrogen energy 35 (19), 10719-10724, 2010
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