Ken Yamada
Cited by
Cited by
Household sharing and commitment: Evidence from panel data on individual expenditures and time use
J Lise, K Yamada
Review of Economic Studies 86 (5), 2184–2219, 2019
Wage, income and consumption inequality in Japan, 1981–2008: From boom to lost decades
J Lise, N Sudo, M Suzuki, K Yamada, T Yamada
Review of Economic Dynamics 17 (4), 582–612, 2014
Minimum wage in a deflationary economy: The Japanese experience, 1994–2003
R Kambayashi, D Kawaguchi, K Yamada
Labour Economics 24, 264–276, 2013
Intra-family transfers in Japan: Intergenerational co-residence, distance, and contact
K Yamada
Applied Economics 15 (9), 539–546, 2006
The impact of the minimum wage on female employment in Japan
D Kawaguchi, K Yamada
Contemporary Economic Policy 25 (1), 107–118, 2007
Living arrangements and psychological well-being of the older adults after the economic transition in Vietnam
K Yamada, B Teerawichitchainan
Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2015
The changing and unchanged nature of inequality and seniority in Japan
K Yamada, D Kawaguchi
Journal of Economic Inequality 43 (1), 129–153, 2015
ICT capital–skill complementarity and wage inequality: Evidence from OECD countries
H Taniguchi, K Yamada
Labour Economics 76, 102151, 2022
Tracing the impact of large minimum wage changes on household welfare in Indonesia
K Yamada
European Economic Review 87, 287–303, 2016
Labor supply responses to the 1990s Japanese tax reforms
K Yamada
Labour Economics 18 (4), 539–546, 2011
Estimating labour supply and time allocation by married Japanese men and unmarried Japanese women
K Yamada
Applied Economics Letters 15 (9), 659–666, 2008
Family background and economic outcomes in Japan
K Yamada
The race between technology and woman: Changes in relative wages and labor shares in OECD countries
H Taniguchi, K Yamada
arXiv:2005.12600 [econ.GN], 2020
Heterogeneous impact of the minimum wage: Implications for changes in between- and within-group inequality
T Oka, K Yamada
Journal of Human Resources 58 (1), 335–362, 2023
Understanding international differences in the skill premium: The role of capital taxes and transfers
S Takahashi, K Yamada
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 104511, 2022
Measuring energy-saving technological change: International trends and differences
E Inoue, H Taniguchi, K Yamada
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 115, 102709, 2022
Enriching surveys with supplementary data and its application to studying wage regression
D Leung, K Yamada, B Zhang
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 42 (1), 155–179, 2015
Intertemporal substitution in the time allocation of married women
K Yamada
Singapore Management University, School of Economics Working Papers, 2010
Fact or fable? Misunderstanding or misspecification? Keiretsu, the main-bank system and the Japanese economy
K Yamada
Journal of Asian Economics 15 (5), 999–1004, 2004
Heterogeneity in returns to work experience: A dynamic model of female labor force participation
K Yamada
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Articles 1–20