Chavalit Likitvivatanavong
Chavalit Likitvivatanavong
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Cited by
A path-optimal GAC algorithm for table constraints
C Lecoutre, C Likitvivatanavong, RHC Yap
ECAI 2012, 510-515, 2012
STR3: A path-optimal filtering algorithm for table constraints
C Lecoutre, C Likitvivatanavong, RHC Yap
Artificial Intelligence 220, 1-27, 2015
Arc consistency in MAC: a new perspective
C Likitvivatanavong, Y Zhang, J Bowen, EC Freuder
Proceedings of CPAI 4, 93-107, 2004
Computing explanations and implications in preference-based configurators
EC Freuder, C Likitvivatanavong, M Moretti, F Rossi, RJ Wallace
International ERCIM Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic …, 2002
Arc Consistency during Search.
C Likitvivatanavong, Y Zhang, S Shannon, J Bowen, EC Freuder
IJCAI 7, 137-142, 2007
Explanation and implication for configuration problems
EC Freuder, C Likitvivatanavong, RJ Wallace
IJCAI 2001 workshop on configuration, 31-37, 2001
Deriving explanations and implications for constraint satisfaction problems
EC Freuder, C Likitvivatanavong, RJ Wallace
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming—CP 2001: 7th …, 2001
A case study in explanation and implication
EC Freuder, C Likitvivatanavong, RJ Wallace
CP2000 workshop on analysis and visualization of constraint programs and solvers, 2000
Maintaining arc consistency with multiple residues
C Lecoutre, C Likitvivatanavong, S Shannon, R Yap, Y Zhang
Constraint Programming Letters (CPL) 2, 3-19, 2008
Higher-order consistencies through GAC on factor variables
C Likitvivatanavong, W Xia, RHC Yap
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: 20th International …, 2014
Improving the lower bound of simple tabular reduction
C Lecoutre, C Likitvivatanavong, RHC Yap
Constraints 20 (1), 100-108, 2015
Eliminating redundancy in CSPs through merging and subsumption of domain values
C Likitvivatanavong, RHC Yap
ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review 13 (2), 20-29, 2013
Decomposition of the factor encoding for CSPs
C Likitvivatanavong, W Xia, RHC Yap
Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Domain transmutation in constraint satisfaction problems
J Bowen, C Likitvivatanavong
AAAI, 149-154, 2004
Many-to-many interchangeable sets of values in csps
C Likitvivatanavong, RHC Yap
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 86-91, 2013
Question-Generation in Constraint-Based Expert Systems
J Bowen, C Likitvivatanavong
Technical Report, CS Dept, UCC, Cork, Ireland, 2002
Maintaining arc consistency using adaptive domain ordering
C Likitvivatanavong, Y Zhang, J Bowen, EC Freuder
IJCAI, 1527-1528, 2005
Splitting the atom: A new approach to Neighbourhood Interchangeability in Constraint Satisfaction Problems
J Bowen, C Likitvivatanavong
IJCAI, 1366-1367, 2003
Explanations and optimization in preference-based configurators
M Moretti, F Rossi, E Freuder, C Likitvivatanavong, R Wallace
Proc. of the Joint Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Constraints and …, 2002
A refutation approach to neighborhood interchangeability in CSPs
C Likitvivatanavong, RHC Yap
Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 93-103, 2008
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Articles 1–20