Nathan Crombez
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Cited by
Visual servoing with photometric gaussian mixtures as dense features
N Crombez, EM Mouaddib, G Caron, F Chaumette
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 35 (1), 49-63, 2018
3D point cloud model colorization by dense registration of digital images
N Crombez, G Caron, E Mouaddib
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2015
Photometric Gaussian mixtures based visual servoing
N Crombez, G Caron, EM Mouaddib
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Raindrop removal with light field image using image inpainting
T Yang, X Chang, H Su, N Crombez, Y Ruichek, T Krajnik, Z Yan
IEEE Access 8, 58416-58426, 2020
Using dense point clouds as environment model for visual localization of mobile robot
N Crombez, G Caron, EM Mouaddib
2015 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient …, 2015
Outdoor scenes pixel-wise semantic segmentation using polarimetry and fully convolutional network
M Blanchon, O Morel, Y Zhang, R Seulin, N Crombez, D Sidibé
14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications …, 2019
Colorisation photo-réaliste de nuages de points 3D
N Crombez, G Caron, EM Mouaddib
Orasis, Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, 2013
A quantifiable stratification strategy for tidy-up in service robotics
Z Yan, N Crombez, J Buisson, Y Ruichck, T Krajnik, L Sun
2021 IEEE international conference on advanced robotics and its social …, 2021
Multimodal 2D Image to 3D Model Registration via a Mutual Alignment of Sparse and Dense Visual Features
N Crombez, R Seulin, D Fofi, C Demonceaux
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2018
Direct 3D model-based tracking in omnidirectional images robust to large inter-frame motion
SE Guerbas, N Crombez, G Caron, EM Mouaddib
2021 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 505-510, 2021
Photometric gaussian mixtures for direct virtual visual servoing of omnidirectional camera
SE Guerbas, N Crombez, G Caron, EM Mouaddib
IEEE CVPR 2021 Workshop on 3D Vision and Robotics, 2021
Colorisation de nuages de points 3D par recalage dense d’images numériques
N Crombez, G Caron, EM Mouaddib
Traitement du signal 31 (1-2), 81-106, 2014
Integration of ontology reasoning-based monocular cues in deep learning modeling for single image depth estimation in urban driving scenarios
FE Benkirane, N Crombez, Y Ruichek, V Hilaire
Knowledge-Based Systems 260, 110184, 2023
Reliable planar object pose estimation in light fields from best subaperture camera pairs
N Crombez, G Caron, T Funatomi, Y Mukaigawa
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (4), 3561-3568, 2018
Dual-Hemispherical Photometric Visual Servoing
N Crombez, J Buisson, AN André, G Caron
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024
Hybrid AI for panoptic segmentation: An informed deep learning approach with integration of prior spatial relationships knowledge
FE Benkirane, N Crombez, V Hilaire, Y Ruichek
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 240, 103909, 2024
From Heritage Building Digitization To Computerized Education
G Caron, D Leclet-Groux, N Crombez, EM Mouaddib
6th International Congress on Science and Technology for the Safeguard of …, 2013
On the impact of the camera field-of-view to Direct Visual Servoing robot trajectories when using the Photometric Gaussian Mixtures as dense feature
S Schulte, A André, N Crombez, G Caron
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integrations, 2025
Curiosity-Driven Learning for Visual Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots
T Soualhi, N Crombez, A Lombard, S Galland, Y Ruichek
2024 21st International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 273-280, 2024
Spatial relationships knowledge integration in deep learning modeling for panoptic segmentation in urban driving scenarios
FE Benkirane, N Crombez, V Hilaire, Y Ruichek
Technological Systems, Sustainability and Safety, 2024
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Articles 1–20