Jan Mucha
Jan Mucha
W. Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research
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Thermal conductivity of the amorphous alloy Fe40Ni40P14B6 between 80 and 300 K
A Jezowski, J Mucha, G Pompe
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 20 (11), 1500, 1987
Thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity of the high-Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3O9− Δ
A Jeżowski, J Mucha, K Rogacki, R Horyń, Z Bukowski, M Horobiowski, ...
Physics Letters A 122 (8), 431-433, 1987
Magnetic, transport, and thermal properties of the half-Heusler compounds ErPdSb and YPdSb
K Gofryk, D Kaczorowski, T Plackowski, J Mucha, A Leithe-Jasper, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (22), 224426, 2007
Thermal conductivity of solid nitrogen
P Stachowiak, VV Sumarokov, J Mucha, A Jeżowski
Physical Review B 50 (1), 543, 1994
Heat flow rectification in inhomogeneous GaAs
C Marucha, J Mucha, J Rafałowicz
physica status solidi (a) 31 (1), 269-273, 1975
Structural, magnetic and transport study of monovalent Na-doped manganite Pr0. 55Na0. 05Sr0. 4MnO3
R Thaljaoui, W Boujelben, M Pękała, K Pękała, J Mucha, A Cheikhrouhou
Journal of alloys and compounds 558, 236-243, 2013
Thermal and electrical properties of a white-eucalyptus carbon preform for SiC/Si ecoceramics
LS Parfen’eva, TS Orlova, NF Kartenko, NV Sharenkova, BI Smirnov, ...
Physics of the Solid State 48, 441-446, 2006
Thermal conductivity of heavily doped bulk crystals GaN: O. Free carriers contribution
A Jeżowski, O Churiukova, J Mucha, T Suski, IA Obukhov, ...
Materials Research Express 2 (8), 085902, 2015
Influence of crystallite size on the thermal conductivity in BaTiO3 nanoceramics
A Jeżowski, J Mucha, R Pazik, W Strek
Applied physics letters 90 (11), 2007
Thermal conductivity of solid oxygen
A Jeżowski, P Stachowiak, VV Sumarokov, J Mucha, YA Freiman
Physical review letters 71 (1), 97, 1993
Heat transport over nonmagnetic lithium chains in LiCuVO4, a new one-dimensional superionic conductor
LS Parfen’eva, AI Shelykh, IA Smirnov, AV Prokof’ev, W Assmus, ...
Physics of the Solid State 45, 2093-2098, 2003
Тепловые и электрические свойства биоуглеродной матрицы белого эвкалипта для экокерамики SiC/Si
ЛС Парфеньева, ТС Орлова, НФ Картенко, НВ Шаренкова, ...
Физика твердого тела 48 (3), 415-420, 2006
Transition and rare earth element dodecaborides
Y Paderno, N Shitsevalova, I Batko, K Flahbart, H Misiorek, J Mucha, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 219 (1-2), 215-218, 1995
Influence of a periodic clustered superstructure on the thermal conductivity of amorphous silica (opals)
VN Bogomolov, LS Parfen'eva, AV Prokof'ev, IA Smirnov, SM Samoilovich, ...
Physics of the Solid State 37 (11), 1874-1878, 1995
Magnetotransport study of MgB2 superconductor
J Mucha, M Pękała, J Szydłowska, W Gadomski, J Akimitsu, JF Fagnard, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 16 (10), 1167, 2003
Effect of Ga doping on magneto-transport properties in colossal magnetoresistive La0. 7Ca0. 3Mn1− xGaxO3 (0< x< 0.1)
M Pękała, J Mucha, B Vertruyen, R Cloots, M Ausloos
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 306 (2), 181-190, 2006
Specific features in the thermal conductivity of synthetic opals
VN Bogomolov, DA Kurdyukov, LS Parfen’eva, AV Prokof’ev, ...
Physics of the Solid State 39, 341-346, 1997
Thermal conductivity of the high-T sub (c) superconductors.
A Jezowski, AJ Zaleski, M Ciszek, J Mucha, J Olejniczak, E Trojnar, ...
HELVET. PHYS. ACTA. 61 (4), 438-442, 1988
Structural, magnetic and magneto-transport properties of monovalent doped manganite Pr0. 55K0. 05Sr0. 4MnO3
R Thaljaoui, W Boujelben, M Pękała, K Pękała, J Antonowicz, JF Fagnard, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 611, 427-432, 2014
Magnetotransport properties of flux melt grown single crystals of Co-substituted manganites with perovskite structure
DD Khalyavin, M Pekala, GL Bychkov, SV Shiryaev, SN Barilo, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (6), 925, 2003
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Articles 1–20