Alireza Asvadi
Alireza Asvadi
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3D Lidar-based static and moving obstacle detection in driving environments: An approach based on voxels and multi-region ground planes
A Asvadi, C Premebida, P Peixoto, U Nunes
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 83, 299-311, 2016
Multimodal vehicle detection: fusing 3D-LIDAR and color camera data
A Asvadi, L Garrote, C Premebida, P Peixoto, UJ Nunes
Pattern Recognition Letters 115, 20-29, 2018
DepthCN: Vehicle Detection Using 3D-LIDAR and ConvNet
A Asvadi, L Garrote, C Premebida, P Peixoto, U Nunes
2017 IEEE 20th international conference on intelligent transportation …, 2017
3D object tracking using RGB and LIDAR data
A Asvadi, P Girao, P Peixoto, U Nunes
2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2016
Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects Using 2.5D Motion Grids
A Asvadi, P Peixoto, U Nunes
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2015
High-resolution lidar-based depth mapping using bilateral filter
C Premebida, L Garrote, A Asvadi, AP Ribeiro, U Nunes
2016 IEEE 19th international conference on intelligent transportation …, 2016
Real-time deep convnet-based vehicle detection using 3d-lidar reflection intensity data
A Asvadi, L Garrote, C Premebida, P Peixoto, UJ Nunes
ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference: Volume 2, 475-486, 2018
Two-Stage Static/Dynamic Environment Modeling Using Voxel Representation
A Asvadi, P Peixoto, U Nunes
Second Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2015), 2015
CNN-LIDAR pedestrian classification: Combining range and reflectance data
G Melotti, A Asvadi, C Premebida
2018 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety …, 2018
RGB-D object classification for autonomous driving perception
C Premebida, G Melotti, A Asvadi
RGB-D Image Analysis and Processing, 377-395, 2019
Test and evaluation of connected and autonomous vehicles in real-world scenarios
J Pereira, C Premebida, A Asvadi, F Cannata, L Garrote, UJ Nunes
2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 14-19, 2019
3D Object Tracking in Driving Environment: a short review and a benchmark dataset
P Girao, A Asvadi, P Peixoto, U Nunes
IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2016
Incremental Discriminative Color Object Tracking
A Asvadi, H Mahdavinataj, M Karami, Y Baleghi
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing …, 2013
Efficient Object Tracking Using Optimized K-means Segmentation and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
A Asvadi, MR Karami, Y Baleghi
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research …, 2011
Improved Object Tracking Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
A Asvadi, M Karami-Mollaie, Y Baleghi, H Seyyedi-Andi
Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP), 2011 7th Iranian, 1-5, 2011
Online Visual Object Tracking Using Incremental Discriminative Color Learning
A Asvadi, H Mahdavinataj, M Karami, Y Baleghi
CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE) 12 (2 & 4 (b)), 16-28, 2014
Human gait pattern changes detection system: A multimodal vision-based and novelty detection learning approach
J Paulo, A Asvadi, P Peixoto, P Amorim
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 37 (4), 701-717, 2017
Bone surface reconstruction and clinical features estimation from sparse landmarks and statistical shape models: A feasibility study on the femur
A Asvadi, G Dardenne, J Troccaz, V Burdin
Medical Engineering & Physics 95, 30-38, 2021
Distributed simultaneous estimation of states and unknown inputs
A Emami, R Araujo, A Asvadi
Systems & Control Letters 138, 104660, 2020
AUTOCITS–Regulation study for interoperability in the adoption of autonomous driving in European urban nodes
R Castiñeira, JE Naranjo, M Gil, F Jimenez, P Serra, A Valejo, A Asvadi, ...
TRA 2018-Transport Research Arena, 2018
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Articles 1–20