Dhaneshwar Mishra
Dhaneshwar Mishra
Manipal University Jaipur, India
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Cited by
Estimation of petrol and diesel adulteration with kerosene and assessment of usefulness of selected automobile fuel quality test parameters
SR Yadav, VK Murthy, D Mishra, B Baral
International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology 1, 253-255, 2005
Physiological and chemical response of the lichen, Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale, to the urban environment of Kolkata, India
S Majumder, D Mishra, SS Ram, NK Jana, S Santra, M Sudarshan, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 3077-3085, 2013
Novel machine learning-based prediction approach for nanoindentation load-deformation in a thin film: Applications to electronic industries
SL Vajire, AP Singh, DK Saini, AK Mukhopadhyay, K Singh, D Mishra
Computers & Industrial Engineering 174, 108824, 2022
Evolutionary computation modelling for structural health monitoring of critical infrastructure
CS Tumrate, DK Saini, P Gupta, D Mishra
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30 (3), 1479-1493, 2023
Closed-form solution for elliptical inclusion problem in antiplane piezoelectricity with far-field loading at an arbitrary angle
D Mishra, CY Park, SH Yoo, YE Pak
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 40, 186-197, 2013
Closed-form solution for a coated circular inclusion under uniaxial tension
YE Pak, D Mishra, SH Yoo
Acta Mechanica 223 (5), 937-951, 2012
Electroelastic fields for a piezoelectric threading dislocation in various growth orientations of gallium nitride
D Mishra, YE Pak
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 61, 279-292, 2017
Energy release rates for various defects under different loading conditions
Y Eugene Pak, D Mishra, SH Yoo
Journal of mechanical science and technology 26, 3549-3554, 2012
Energy release rates for a misfitted spherical inclusion under far-field mechanical and uniform thermal loads
SY Seo, D Mishra, CY Park, SH Yoo, YE Pak
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 49, 169-182, 2015
Prediction of concrete compressive strength employing machine learning techniques
K Malhotra, D Mishra, CS Tumrate
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023
Crack growth simulation in a functionally graded material plate with uniformly distributed pores using extended finite element method
AP Singh, A Tailor, CS Tumrate, D Mishra
Materials Today: Proceedings 60, 602-607, 2022
Analytical solutions of electroelastic fields in piezoelectric thin-film multilayer: applications to piezoelectric sensors and actuators
D Mishra, S Yoon, Y Seo, YE Pak
Acta Mechanica 231, 1435-1459, 2020
Elliptical inclusion problem in antiplane piezoelectricity: Stress concentrations and energy release rates
D Mishra, SH Yoo, CY Park, YE Pak
International Journal of Fracture 179, 213-220, 2013
Role of trace elements in somatic embryogenesis–A PIXE study
P Saha, S Raychaudhuri, D Mishra, A Chakraborty, M Sudarshan
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section B: Beam …, 2008
Development of regression model to predicting yield strength for different steel grades
CS Tumrate, SR Chowdhury, D Mishra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 796 (1), 012033, 2021
Polarization characteristics of semipolar (112̄2) InGaN/GaN quantum well structures grown on relaxed InGaN buffer layers and comparison with experiment
SH Park, D Mishra, Y Eugene Pak, K Kang, CY Park, SH Yoo, YH Cho, ...
Optics express 22 (12), 14850-14858, 2014
Effect of piezoelectricity on critical thickness for misfit dislocation formation at InGaN/GaN interface
D Mishra, YH Cho, MB Shim, S Hwang, S Kim, CY Park, SY Seo, SH Yoo, ...
Computational Materials Science 97, 254-262, 2015
Partial strain relaxation effects on polarization anisotropy of semipolar (112¯ 2) InGaN/GaN quantum well structures
SH Park, D Mishra, Y Eugene Pak, C Young Park, SH Yoo, YH Cho, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (22), 2013
Applicative Analysis Of Activation Functions For Pneumonia Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
P Tatraiya, H Priyadarshi, K Singh, D Mishra, A Shrivastava
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), 1-8, 2023
[Retracted] GRUBin: Time‐Series Forecasting‐Based Efficient Garbage Monitoring and Management System for Smart Cities
D Mishra, SL Vajire, S Saxena, P Gupta, DK Saini, AK Srivastava, ...
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 2538807, 2022
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Articles 1–20