Han Liu
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Cited by
Interstitial cells of Cajal in human colon and in Hirschsprung's disease
JM Vanderwinden, JJ Rumessen, H Liu, D Descamps, MH De Laet, ...
Gastroenterology 111 (4), 901-910, 1996
Study of the interstitial cells of Cajal in infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
JM Vanderwinden, H Liu, MH De Laet, JJ Vanderhaeghen
Gastroenterology 111 (2), 279-288, 1996
Application of local fully Convolutional Neural Network combined with YOLO v5 algorithm in small target detection of remote sensing image
W Wu, H Liu, L Li, Y Long, X Wang, Z Wang, J Li, Y Chang
PloS one 16 (10), e0259283, 2021
A deep learning based forest fire detection approach using UAV and YOLOv3
Z Jiao, Y Zhang, J Xin, L Mu, Y Yi, H Liu, D Liu
2019 1st International conference on industrial artificial intelligence (IAI …, 2019
Soil organic carbon dynamics under long-term fertilizations in arable land of northern China
WJ Zhang, XJ Wang, MG Xu, SM Huang, H Liu, C Peng
Biogeosciences 7 (2), 409-425, 2010
Mass transfer from Taylor bubbles rising in single capillaries
CO Vandu, H Liu, R Krishna
Chemical Engineering Science 60 (22), 6430-6437, 2005
NADPH oxidases: a perspective on reactive oxygen species production in tumor biology
JL Meitzler, S Antony, Y Wu, A Juhasz, H Liu, G Jiang, J Lu, K Roy, ...
Antioxidants & redox signaling 20 (17), 2873-2889, 2014
Applications in in ovo technology
PA Johnston, H Liu, T O'Connell, P Phelps, M Bland, J Tyczkowski, ...
Poultry science 76 (1), 165-178, 1997
Development of a depth of interaction detector for γ-rays
H Liu, T Omura, M Watanabe, T Yamashita
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2001
Dentonin, a fragment of MEPE, enhanced dental pulp stem cell proliferation
H Liu, W Li, C Gao, Y Kumagai, RW Blacher, PK DenBesten
Journal of dental research 83 (6), 496-499, 2004
Soft sensor based on stacked auto-encoder deep neural network for air preheater rotor deformation prediction
X Wang, H Liu
Advanced engineering informatics 36, 112-119, 2018
Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis
Y Cheng, L Cao, S Wang, Y Li, X Shi, H Liu, L Li, Z Zhang, LC Fowke, ...
The Plant Journal 75 (4), 642-655, 2013
A yolov3-based learning strategy for real-time uav-based forest fire detection
Z Jiao, Y Zhang, L Mu, J Xin, S Jiao, H Liu, D Liu
2020 Chinese control and decision conference (CCDC), 4963-4967, 2020
Martensitic transformation and magnetic properties of Heusler alloy Ni–Fe–Ga ribbon
ZH Liu, H Liu, XX Zhang, M Zhang, XF Dai, HN Hu, JL Chen, GH Wu
Physics Letters A 329 (3), 214-220, 2004
Real-time recognition of road traffic sign in motion image based on genetic algorithm
H Liu, D Liu, J Xin
Proceedings. international conference on machine learning and cybernetics 1 …, 2002
Comparison between eddy covariance and automatic chamber techniques for measuring net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide in cotton and wheat fields
K Wang, C Liu, X Zheng, M Pihlatie, B Li, S Haapanala, T Vesala, H Liu, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (11), 6865-6877, 2013
Weld defect detection from imbalanced radiographic images based on contrast enhancement conditional generative adversarial network and transfer learning
R Guo, H Liu, G Xie, Y Zhang
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (9), 10844-10853, 2021
Data supplement for a soft sensor using a new generative model based on a variational autoencoder and Wasserstein GAN
X Wang, H Liu
Journal of Process Control 85, 91-99, 2020
UAV image-based forest fire detection approach using convolutional neural network
Y Chen, Y Zhang, J Xin, G Wang, L Mu, Y Yi, H Liu, D Liu
2019 14th IEEE conference on industrial electronics and applications (ICIEA …, 2019
Flow around four cylinders arranged in a square configuration
XK Wang, K Gong, H Liu, JX Zhang, SK Tan
Journal of Fluids and Structures 43, 179-199, 2013
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Articles 1–20