Vianney Coppé
Vianney Coppé
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Cited by
Ddo, a generic and efficient framework for mdd-based optimization
X Gillard, P Schaus, V Coppé
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-20), 2014
Improving the filtering of branch-and-bound MDD solver
X Gillard, V Coppé, P Schaus, AA Cire
International Conference on Integration of Constraint Programming …, 2021
Decision diagram-based branch-and-bound with caching for dominance and suboptimality detection
V Coppé, X Gillard, P Schaus
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2024
Solving the constrained single-row facility layout problem with decision diagrams
V Coppé, X Gillard, P Schaus
28th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2022
Boosting Decision Diagram-Based Branch-And-Bound by Pre-Solving with Aggregate Dynamic Programming
V Coppé, X Gillard, P Schaus
29th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2023
Modeling and Exploiting Dominance Rules for Discrete Optimization with Decision Diagrams
V Coppé, X Gillard, P Schaus
International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming …, 2024
Advances in Discrete Optimization with Decision Diagrams: Dominance, Caching and Aggregation-Based Heuristics
V Coppé
UCLouvain, 2024
A Conflict Avoidance Table for Continuous Conflict-Based Search
V Coppé, P Schaus
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 15 (1 …, 2022
A Dynamic Programming Approach for the Job Sequencing and Tool Switching Problem
E Legrand, V Coppé, D Catanzaro, P Schaus
Accélération de l’algorithme de séparation et évaluation pour les diagrammes de décision grâce à la mémoïsation
V Coppé, X Gillard, P Schaus
JFPC, 71, 2023
Optimiser l’agencement d’une fabrique grâce aux diagrammes de décision
V Coppé, X Gillard, P Schaus
JFPC, 130, 2022
Improving the filtering of Branch-And-Bound MDD solver (extended)
X Gillard, V Coppé, P Schaus, AA Cire
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.11951, 2021
Discrete optimization with decision diagrams
V Coppé, P Schaus
UCLouvain, 2019
Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using Deep Learning: A Ground-up Approach
N Nepper, P Schaus, V Coppé, A Burlats
Ddo, un cadre générique et performant pour l’optimisation à base de diagrammes de décision
X Gillard, P Schaus, V Coppé
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Articles 1–15