Hermann Hinrichs
Hermann Hinrichs
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Combined spatial and temporal imaging of brain activity during visual selective attention in humans
HJ Heinze, GR Mangun, W Burchert, H Hinrichs, M Scholz, TF Münte, ...
Nature 372 (6506), 543-546, 1994
Involvement of striate and extrastriate visual cortical areas in spatial attention
A Martinez, L Anllo-Vento, MI Sereno, LR Frank, RB Buxton, DJ Dubowitz, ...
Nature neuroscience 2 (4), 364-369, 1999
Shared networks for auditory and motor processing in professional pianists: evidence from fMRI conjunction
M Bangert, T Peschel, G Schlaug, M Rotte, D Drescher, H Hinrichs, ...
Neuroimage 30 (3), 917-926, 2006
IFCN standards for digital recording of clinical EEG
MR Nuwer, G Comi, R Emerson, A Fuglsang-Frederiksen, JM Guérit, ...
Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology 106 (3), 259-261, 1998
Functional dissociation between medial and lateral prefrontal cortical spatiotemporal activation in negative and positive emotions: a combined fMRI/MEG study
G Northoff, A Richter, M Gessner, F Schlagenhauf, J Fell, F Baumgart, ...
Cerebral Cortex 10 (1), 93-107, 2000
Audiovisual temporal correspondence modulates human multisensory superior temporal sulcus plus primary sensory cortices
T Noesselt, JW Rieger, MA Schoenfeld, M Kanowski, H Hinrichs, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (42), 11431-11441, 2007
Delayed striate cortical activation during spatial attention
T Noesselt, SA Hillyard, MG Woldorff, A Schoenfeld, T Hagner, L Jäncke, ...
Neuron 35 (3), 575-587, 2002
Successful verbal encoding into episodic memory engages the posterior hippocampus: a parametrically analyzed functional magnetic resonance imaging study
G Fernandez, H Weyerts, M Schrader-Bölsche, I Tendolkar, HGOM Smid, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (5), 1841-1847, 1998
Neural mechanisms of global and local processing: A combined PET and ERP study
HJ Heinze, H Hinrichs, M Scholz, W Burchert, GR Mangun
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 10 (4), 485-498, 1998
Selective activation of a parietofrontal circuit during implicitly imagined prehension
SH Johnson, M Rotte, ST Grafton, H Hinrichs, MS Gazzaniga, HJ Heinze
Neuroimage 17 (4), 1693-1704, 2002
State dependent properties of epileptic brain networks: Comparative graph–theoretical analyses of simultaneously recorded EEG and MEG
MT Horstmann, S Bialonski, N Noennig, H Mai, J Prusseit, J Wellmer, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 121 (2), 172-185, 2010
Comparison between a wireless dry electrode EEG system with a conventional wired wet electrode EEG system for clinical applications
H Hinrichs, M Scholz, AK Baum, JWY Kam, RT Knight, HJ Heinze
Scientific reports 10 (1), 5218, 2020
Lateralized auditory spatial perception and the contralaterality of cortical processing as studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging and magnetoencephalography
MG Woldorff, C Tempelmann, J Fell, C Tegeler, B Gaschler‐Markefski, ...
Human brain mapping 7 (1), 49-66, 1999
Systematic comparison between a wireless EEG system with dry electrodes and a wired EEG system with wet electrodes
JWY Kam, S Griffin, A Shen, S Patel, H Hinrichs, HJ Heinze, LY Deouell, ...
NeuroImage 184, 119-129, 2019
Neurophysiological assessment of early hepatic encephalopathy
K Weissenborn, M Scholz, H Hinrichs, J Wiltfang, FW Schmidt, H Künkel
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology 75 (4), 289-295, 1990
Basic emotions reflected in EEG-coherences
H Hinrichs, W Machleidt
International Journal of Psychophysiology 13 (3), 225-232, 1992
Hierarchy of prediction errors for auditory events in human temporal and frontal cortex
S Dürschmid, E Edwards, C Reichert, C Dewar, H Hinrichs, HJ Heinze, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (24), 6755-6760, 2016
Structural alterations in lateral prefrontal, parietal and posterior midline regions of men with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
C Eckart, C Stoppel, J Kaufmann, C Tempelmann, H Hinrichs, T Elbert, ...
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 36 (3), 176-186, 2011
Combining steady‐state visual evoked potentials and f MRI to localize brain activity during selective attention
SA Hillyard, H Hinrichs, C Tempelmann, ST Morgan, JC Hansen, ...
Human brain mapping 5 (4), 287-292, 1997
Deconvolution of event-related fMRI responses in fast-rate experimental designs: tracking amplitude variations
H Hinrichs, M Scholz, C Tempelmann, MG Woldorff, AM Dale, HJ Heinze
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 12 (Supplement 2), 76-89, 2000
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