Janusz Bialek
Janusz Bialek
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Power system dynamics: stability and control
J Machowski, Z Lubosny, JW Bialek, JR Bumby
John Wiley & Sons, 2020
Tracing the flow of electricity
J Bialek
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 143 (4), 313-320, 1996
Power system dynamics and stability
J Machowski, JW Bialek, J Bialek, JR Bumby
John Wiley & Sons, 1997
Topological generation and load distribution factors for supplement charge allocation in transmission open access
J Bialek
IEEE transactions on power systems 12 (3), 1185-1193, 1997
Smart operation of smart grid: Risk-limiting dispatch
PP Varaiya, FF Wu, JW Bialek
Proceedings of the IEEE 99 (1), 40-57, 2010
Hierarchical spectral clustering of power grids
RJ Sánchez-García, M Fennelly, S Norris, N Wright, G Niblo, J Brodzki, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (5), 2229-2237, 2014
Approximate model of European interconnected system as a benchmark system to study effects of cross-border trades
Q Zhou, JW Bialek
IEEE Transactions on power systems 20 (2), 782-788, 2005
Generation curtailment to manage voltage constraints in distribution networks
Q Zhou, JW Bialek
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 1 (3), 492-498, 2007
Allocation of transmission supplementary charge to real and reactive loads
J Bialek
IEEE transactions on Power Systems 13 (3), 749-754, 1998
Renewable electric energy integration: Quantifying the value of design of markets for international transmission capacity
K Neuhoff, J Barquin, JW Bialek, R Boyd, CJ Dent, F Echavarren, T Grau, ...
Energy Economics 40, 760-772, 2013
Benchmarking and validation of cascading failure analysis tools
J Bialek, E Ciapessoni, D Cirio, E Cotilla-Sanchez, C Dent, I Dobson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (6), 4887-4900, 2016
Proportional sharing assumption in tracing methodology
JW Bialek, PA Kattuman
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 151 (4), 526-532, 2004
Optimal power flow as a tool for fault level-constrained network capacity analysis
PN Vovos, GP Harrison, AR Wallace, JW Bialek
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20 (2), 734-741, 2005
Opportunity cost bidding by wind generators in forward markets: Analytical results
CJ Dent, JW Bialek, BF Hobbs
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (3), 1600-1608, 2011
Direct incorporation of fault level constraints in optimal power flow as a tool for network capacity analysis
PN Vovos, JW Bialek
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20 (4), 2125-2134, 2005
Supervisory control of a wind farm
Z Lubosny, JW Bialek
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (3), 985-994, 2007
Excitation control system for use with synchronous generators
J Machowski, JW Bialek, S Robak, JR Bumby
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 145 (5), 537-546, 1998
Decentralized stability-enhancing control of synchronous generator
J Machowski, S Robak, JW Bialek, JR Bumby, N Abi-Samra
IEEE Transactions on power systems 15 (4), 1336-1344, 2000
Identification of source-sink connections in transmission networks
J Bialek
Fourth International Conference on Power System Control and Management (Conf …, 1996
Why has it happened again? Comparison between the UCTE blackout in 2006 and the blackouts of 2003
JW Bialek
2007 IEEE Lausanne Power Tech, 51-56, 2007
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Articles 1–20