Bhabesh Deka
Bhabesh Deka
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) International
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Anomalous seismic reflections related to gas/gas hydrate occurrences along the western continental margin of India
Y Rao, C Subrahmanyam, A Rastogi, B Deka
Geo-Marine Letters 21, 1-8, 2001
Slope failures along the western continental margin of India: a consequence of gas-hydrate dissociation, rapid sedimentation rate, and seismic activity?
HY Rao, C Subrahmanyam, A Rastogi, B Deka
Geo-Marine Letters 22, 162-169, 2002
Estimates of geothermal gradients and heat flow from BSRs along the Western Continental Margin of India
YH Rao, C Subrahmanyam, SR Sharma, AA Rastogi, B Deka
Geophysical research letters 28 (2), 355-358, 2001
Possibility of large deposits of gas hydrates in deeper waters of India
A Rastogi, B. Deka, IL Budhiraja, Girish C. Agarwal
Marine Georesources and Geotechnology 17 (1), 49-63, 1999
Multivariate statistical analysis for resource estimation in unconventional plays application to Eagle Ford shales
S Sinha, D Devegowda, B Deka
SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, SPE-184050-MS, 2016
Gas hydrates stability zone thickness map of Indian deep offshore areas-A GIS based approach
A Rastogi, B Deka, GC Bhattacharya, T Ramprasad, KA KameshRaju, ...
Indian Oil Corporation, New Delhi, India, 1999
Inclusion body hepatitis in broiler chickens.
GS Grewal, SN Sharma, BC Deka
Two congenital abnormalities in domestic chickens
GS Grewal, GS Khatra, BC Deka
Avian Diseases, 504-506, 1980
Quantification of Recovery Fcators in Downspaced Shale Wells: Application of a Fully Coupled Geomechanical EOS compositional Simulator
S Sinha, D Devegowda, B Deka
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) 24-26 July, 2017 at …, 2017
Gas hydrate: New source of natural gas
B Deka, SK Barnwal
Chemical engineering world 32 (4), 75-79, 1997
Downhole fluid analysis and sampling establishes compositional gradient in a deep water gas-condensate reservoir
G Seth, D Zope, B Deka, B Ghosh, S Joshi, D Kundu
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-109204-MS, 2007
Role of Multivariate Analysis to Define the Key Drivers Governing the Well Productivity in Marcellus Shale Play
RILIUSA Mohit Gupta, Promel Jain, Akhil Shrivastava, Mukul Srivastava ...
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference held in San Antonio, Texas …, 2016
Observations on certain non-leucotic tumours of the respiratory system in the domestic fowl.
GS Grewal, BC Deka
Observations on certain non-leucotic tumours of the respiratory system in the domestic fowl [chickens]
GS Grewal, BC Deka
Journal of Research-Punjab Agricultural University (India) 21 (1), 1984
Spontaneous nonleucotic tumours of the urinary system in the domestic fowl.
GS Grewal, BC Deka
Non-leucotic tumours in domestic fowl in the Punjab.
BC Deka, GS Grewal
Two congenital abnormalities [asymmetric carina and divided caecum] in domestic chickens.
GS Grewal, GS Khatra, BC Deka
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Articles 1–17