Benjamin Hayden
Benjamin Hayden
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Cited by
The psychology and neuroscience of curiosity
C Kidd, BY Hayden
Neuron 88 (3), 449-460, 2015
Neuronal basis of sequential foraging decisions in a patchy environment
BY Hayden, JM Pearson, ML Platt
Nature neuroscience 14 (7), 933-939, 2011
Posterior cingulate cortex: adapting behavior to a changing world
JM Pearson, SR Heilbronner, DL Barack, BY Hayden, ML Platt
Trends in cognitive sciences 15 (4), 143-151, 2011
Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex: a bottom-up view
SR Heilbronner, BY Hayden
Annual review of neuroscience 39 (1), 149-170, 2016
Surprise signals in anterior cingulate cortex: neuronal encoding of unsigned reward prediction errors driving adjustment in behavior
BY Hayden, SR Heilbronner, JM Pearson, ML Platt
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (11), 4178-4187, 2011
Orbitofrontal cortex uses distinct codes for different choice attributes in decisions motivated by curiosity
TC Blanchard, BY Hayden, ES Bromberg-Martin
Neuron 85 (3), 602-614, 2015
Fictive reward signals in the anterior cingulate cortex
BY Hayden, JM Pearson, ML Platt
science 324 (5929), 948-950, 2009
Distinct value signals in anterior and posterior ventromedial prefrontal cortex
DV Smith, BY Hayden, TK Truong, AW Song, ML Platt, SA Huettel
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (7), 2490-2495, 2010
Reward value comparison via mutual inhibition in ventromedial prefrontal cortex
CE Strait, TC Blanchard, BY Hayden
Neuron 82 (6), 1357-1366, 2014
Neurons in anterior cingulate cortex multiplex information about reward and action
BY Hayden, ML Platt
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (9), 3339-3346, 2010
A distributed, hierarchical and recurrent framework for reward-based choice
LT Hunt, BY Hayden
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 18 (3), 172-182, 2017
Automated markerless pose estimation in freely moving macaques with OpenMonkeyStudio
PC Bala, BR Eisenreich, SBM Yoo, BY Hayden, HS Park, J Zimmermann
Nature communications 11 (1), 4560, 2020
Posterior cingulate cortex mediates outcome-contingent allocation of behavior
BY Hayden, AC Nair, AN McCoy, ML Platt
Neuron 60 (1), 19-25, 2008
Neurons in posterior cingulate cortex signal exploratory decisions in a dynamic multioption choice task
JM Pearson, BY Hayden, S Raghavachari, ML Platt
Current biology 19 (18), 1532-1537, 2009
Attention to stimulus features shifts spectral tuning of V4 neurons during natural vision
SV David, BY Hayden, JA Mazer, JL Gallant
Neuron 59 (3), 509-521, 2008
Electrophysiological correlates of default-mode processing in macaque posterior cingulate cortex
BY Hayden, DV Smith, ML Platt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (14), 5948-5953, 2009
Economic principles motivating social attention in humans
BY Hayden, PC Parikh, RO Deaner, ML Platt
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1619), 1751-1756, 2007
The population doctrine in cognitive neuroscience
RB Ebitz, BY Hayden
Neuron 109 (19), 3055-3068, 2021
Temporal discounting predicts risk sensitivity in rhesus macaques
BY Hayden, ML Platt
Current Biology 17 (1), 49-53, 2007
Temporal specificity in the cortical plasticity of visual space representation
YX Fu, K Djupsund, H Gao, B Hayden, K Shen, Y Dan
Science 296 (5575), 1999-2003, 2002
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Articles 1–20