Pascal Brandt
Cited by
Cited by
Data‐driven discovery of probable Alzheimer's disease and related dementia subphenotypes using electronic health records
J Xu, F Wang, Z Xu, P Adekkanattu, P Brandt, G Jiang, RC Kiefer, Y Luo, ...
Learning Health Systems, e10246, 2020
Toward cross‐platform electronic health record‐driven phenotyping using Clinical Quality Language
PS Brandt, RC Kiefer, JA Pacheco, P Adekkanattu, ET Sholle, FS Ahmad, ...
Learning Health Systems, e10233, 2020
Subphenotyping depression using machine learning and electronic health records
Z Xu, F Wang, P Adekkanattu, B Bose, V Vekaria, P Brandt, G Jiang, ...
Learning Health Systems, e10241, 2020
Evaluating the Portability of an NLP System for Processing Echocardiograms: A Retrospective, Multi-site Observational Study
P Adekkanattu, G Jiang, Y Luo, PR Kingsbury, Z Xu, LV Rasmussen, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2019 (2019), 1559-4076, 2020
Considerations for improving the portability of electronic health record-based phenotype algorithms
LV Rasmussen, PS Brandt, G Jiang, RC Kiefer, JA Pacheco, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2019, 755, 2019
CQL4NLP: development and integration of FHIR NLP extensions in clinical quality language for EHR-driven phenotyping
A Wen, LV Rasmussen, D Stone, S Liu, R Kiefer, P Adekkanattu, ...
AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2021, 624, 2021
A continuously benchmarked and crowdsourced challenge for rapid development and evaluation of models to predict COVID-19 diagnosis and hospitalization
Y Yan, T Schaffter, T Bergquist, T Yu, J Prosser, Z Aydin, A Jabeer, ...
JAMA Network Open 4 (10), e2124946-e2124946, 2021
Prediction of left ventricular ejection fraction changes in heart failure patients using machine learning and electronic health records: a multi-site study
P Adekkanattu, LV Rasmussen, JA Pacheco, J Kabariti, DJ Stone, Y Yu, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 294, 2023
An investigation of classification algorithms for predicting HIV drug resistance without genotype resistance testing
P Brandt, D Moodley, AW Pillay, CJ Seebregts, T de Oliveira
Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems: Third …, 2014
Characterizing variability of electronic health record-driven phenotype definitions
PS Brandt, A Kho, Y Luo, JA Pacheco, TL Walunas, H Hakonarson, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 30 (3), 427-437, 2023
Heart on FHIR: integrating patient generated data into clinical care to reduce 30 day heart failure readmissions
T Bergquist, RW Buie, K Li, P Brandt
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2017, 2269, 2017
StayHome: a FHIR-native mobile COVID-19 symptom tracker and public health reporting tool
HA Burkhardt, PS Brandt, JR Lee, SW Karras, PF Bugni, I Cvitkovic, ...
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 13 (1), 2021
Design and validation of a FHIR-based EHR-driven phenotyping toolbox
PS Brandt, JA Pacheco, P Adekkanattu, ET Sholle, S Abedian, DJ Stone, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 29 (9), 1449-1460, 2022
Comparing the effects of four common drug classes on the progression of mild cognitive impairment to dementia using electronic health records
J Xu, F Wang, C Zang, H Zhang, K Niotis, AL Liberman, CM Stonnington, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 8102, 2023
Development of a repository of computable phenotype definitions using the clinical quality language
PS Brandt, JA Pacheco, LV Rasmussen
JAMIA open 4 (4), ooab094, 2021
Using machine learning to predict antidepressant treatment outcome from electronic health records
Z Xu, V Vekaria, F Wang, J Cukor, C Su, P Adekkanattu, P Brandt, G Jiang, ...
Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice 5 (4), 118-125, 2023
EHR-driven Phenotyping: Improving Standards & Methods for Secondary Use of EHR Data
PS Brandt
University of Washington Libraries, 2021
Prometheus: Differential Privacy in the OMOP CDM
T Bergquist, P Brandt
University of Washington, 2018
An investigation of multi-label classification techniques for predicting HIV drug resistance in resource-limited settings.
P Brandt
University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, 2014
Characterizing Variability of EHR-Driven Phenotype Definitions
PS Brandt, A Kho, Y Luo, JA Pacheco, TL Walunas, H Hakonarson, ...
medRxiv, 2022.07. 10.22277390, 2022
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Articles 1–20