Reza Zanjirani Farahani
Reza Zanjirani Farahani
Rennes School of Business
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A review of urban transportation network design problems
RZ Farahani, E Miandoabchi, WY Szeto, H Rashidi
European journal of operational research 229 (2), 281-302, 2013
Multiple criteria facility location problems: A survey
RZ Farahani, M SteadieSeifi, N Asgari
Applied mathematical modelling 34 (7), 1689-1709, 2010
Facility location: concepts, models, algorithms and case studies
RZ Farahani, M Hekmatfar
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
Covering problems in facility location: A review
RZ Farahani, N Asgari, N Heidari, M Hosseininia, M Goh
Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (1), 368-407, 2012
Hub location problems: A review of models, classification, solution techniques, and applications
RZ Farahani, M Hekmatfar, AB Arabani, E Nikbakhsh
Computers & industrial engineering 64 (4), 1096-1109, 2013
A memetic algorithm for bi-objective integrated forward/reverse logistics network design
MS Pishvaee, RZ Farahani, W Dullaert
Computers & operations research 37 (6), 1100-1112, 2010
Competitive supply chain network design: An overview of classifications, models, solution techniques and applications
RZ Farahani, S Rezapour, T Drezner, S Fallah
Omega 45, 92-118, 2014
Robust supply chain network design with service level against disruptions and demand uncertainties: A real-life case
A Baghalian, S Rezapour, RZ Farahani
European journal of operational research 227 (1), 199-215, 2013
Fuzzy AHP to determine the relative weights of evaluation criteria and Fuzzy TOPSIS to rank the alternatives
F Torfi, RZ Farahani, S Rezapour
Applied soft computing 10 (2), 520-528, 2010
Facility location dynamics: An overview of classifications and applications
AB Arabani, RZ Farahani
Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (1), 408-420, 2012
Logistics operations and management: concepts and models
R Farahani, S Rezapour, L Kardar
Elsevier, 2011
A genetic algorithm to optimize the total cost and service level for just-in-time distribution in a supply chain
RZ Farahani, M Elahipanah
International Journal of Production Economics 111 (2), 229-243, 2008
Resilient supply chain network design under competition: a case study
S Rezapour, RZ Farahani, M Pourakbar
European journal of operational research 259 (3), 1017-1035, 2017
A review and critique on integrated production–distribution planning models and techniques
B Fahimnia, RZ Farahani, R Marian, L Luong
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 32 (1), 1-19, 2013
Disaster management from a POM perspective: Mapping a new domain
S Gupta, MK Starr, RZ Farahani, N Matinrad
Production and Operations Management 25 (10), 1611-1637, 2016
Hierarchical facility location problem: Models, classifications, techniques, and applications
RZ Farahani, M Hekmatfar, B Fahimnia, N Kazemzadeh
Computers & Industrial Engineering 68, 104-117, 2014
Mass casualty management in disaster scene: A systematic review of OR&MS research in humanitarian operations
RZ Farahani, MM Lotfi, A Baghaian, R Ruiz, S Rezapour
European Journal of Operational Research 287 (3), 787-819, 2020
Combination of MCDM and covering techniques in a hierarchical model for facility location: A case study
RZ Farahani, N Asgari
European Journal of Operational Research 176 (3), 1839-1858, 2007
Network design approach for hub ports-shipping companies competition and cooperation
N Asgari, RZ Farahani, M Goh
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 48, 1-18, 2013
OR models in urban service facility location: A critical review of applications and future developments
RZ Farahani, S Fallah, R Ruiz, S Hosseini, N Asgari
European journal of operational research 276 (1), 1-27, 2019
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Articles 1–20