Dvir Shabtay
Cited by
Cited by
A survey of scheduling with controllable processing times
D Shabtay, G Steiner
Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (13), 1643-1666, 2007
A survey on offline scheduling with rejection
D Shabtay, N Gaspar, M Kaspi
Journal of scheduling 16, 3-28, 2013
SETH-based lower bounds for subset sum and bicriteria path
A Abboud, K Bringmann, D Hermelin, D Shabtay
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 18 (1), 1-22, 2022
Minimizing the total weighted flow time in a single machine with controllable processing times
D Shabtay, M Kaspi
Computers & Operations Research 31 (13), 2279-2289, 2004
Parallel machine scheduling with a convex resource consumption function
D Shabtay, M Kaspi
European Journal of Operational Research 173 (1), 92-107, 2006
Two due date assignment problems in scheduling a single machine
D Shabtay, G Steiner
Operations research letters 34 (6), 683-691, 2006
The single-machine earliness-tardiness scheduling problem with due date assignment and resource-dependent processing times
D Shabtay, G Steiner
Annals of Operations Research 159, 25-40, 2008
Scheduling and due date assignment to minimize earliness, tardiness, holding, due date assignment and batch delivery costs
D Shabtay
International Journal of Production Economics 123 (1), 235-242, 2010
Single and two-resource allocation algorithms for minimizing the maximal lateness in a single machine
D Shabtay
Computers & Operations Research 31 (8), 1303-1315, 2004
Optimal due date assignment and resource allocation to minimize the weighted number of tardy jobs on a single machine
D Shabtay, G Steiner
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9 (3), 332-350, 2007
The just-in-time scheduling problem in a flow-shop scheduling system
D Shabtay
European Journal of Operational Research 216 (3), 521-532, 2012
A bicriteria approach to scheduling a single machine with job rejection and positional penalties
D Shabtay, N Gaspar, L Yedidsion
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 23 (4), 395-424, 2012
Optimal due date assignment and resource allocation in a group technology scheduling environment
D Shabtay, Y Itskovich, L Yedidsion, D Oron
Computers & Operations Research 37 (12), 2218-2228, 2010
Single machine scheduling with two competing agents and equal job processing times
D Oron, D Shabtay, G Steiner
European Journal of Operational Research 244 (1), 86-99, 2015
The single machine serial batch scheduling problem with rejection to minimize total completion time and total rejection cost
D Shabtay
European Journal of Operational Research 233 (1), 64-74, 2014
New algorithms for minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs on a single machine
D Hermelin, S Karhi, M Pinedo, D Shabtay
Annals of Operations Research 298, 271-287, 2021
Due date assignments and scheduling a single machine with a general earliness/tardiness cost function
D Shabtay
Computers & Operations Research 35 (5), 1539-1545, 2008
Convex resource allocation for minimizing the makespan in a single machine with job release dates
M Kaspi, D Shabtay
Computers & Operations Research 31 (9), 1481-1489, 2004
Two-machine flow-shop scheduling with rejection
D Shabtay, N Gasper
Computers & Operations Research 39 (5), 1087-1096, 2012
A unified approach for scheduling with convex resource consumption functions using positional penalties
Y Leyvand, D Shabtay, G Steiner
European Journal of Operational Research 206 (2), 301-312, 2010
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Articles 1–20