Ben McMillen
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Cited by
Stress-state manipulation in fused silica via femtosecond laser irradiation
Y Bellouard, A Champion, B McMillen, S Mukherjee, RR Thomson, ...
Optica 3 (12), 1285-1293, 2016
Sensitivity enhancement of fiber Bragg gratings to transverse stress by using microstructural fibers
C Jewart, KP Chen, B McMillen, MM Bails, SP Levitan, J Canning, ...
Optics letters 31 (15), 2260-2262, 2006
Ultrafast laser fabrication of low-loss waveguides in chalcogenide glass with 0.65 dB/cm loss
B McMillen, B Zhang, K Chen, A Benayas, D Jaque
CLEO: Science and Innovations, JTh2A. 63, 2012
X-probe flow sensor using self-powered active fiber Bragg gratings
C Jewart, B McMillen, SK Cho, KP Chen
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 127 (1), 63-68, 2006
Self-heated fiber Bragg grating sensors
KP Chen, B McMillen, M Buric, C Jewart, W Xu
Applied Physics Letters 86 (14), 2005
Femtosecond laser direct-write waveplates based on stress-induced birefringence
B McMillen, C Athanasiou, Y Bellouard
Optics Express 24 (24), 27239-27252, 2016
On the anisotropy of stress-distribution induced in glasses and crystals by non-ablative femtosecond laser exposure
B McMillen, Y Bellouard
Optics express 23 (1), 86-100, 2015
Fiber Bragg grating vacuum sensors
B McMillen, C Jewart, M Buric, KP Chen, Y Lin, W Xu
Applied Physics Letters 87 (23), 2005
Waveguiding and nonlinear optical properties of three-dimensional waveguides in LiTaO3 written by high-repetition rate ultrafast laser
B McMillen, KP Chen, H An, S Fleming, V Hartwell, D Snoke
Applied Physics Letters 93 (11), 2008
Thermal stability of microstructural and optical modifications induced in sapphire by ultrafast laser filamentation
A Benayas, D Jaque, B McMillen, KP Chen
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (3), 2010
High repetition rate UV ultrafast laser inscription of buried channel waveguides in sapphire: Fabrication and fluorescence imaging via ruby R lines
A Benayas, D Jaque, B McMillen, KP Chen
Optics Express 17 (12), 10076-10081, 2009
Ultrafast laser fabrication of Bragg waveguides in chalcogenide glass
B McMillen, M Li, S Huang, B Zhang, KP Chen
Optics Letters 39 (12), 3579-3582, 2014
Thermal poling induced second-order nonlinearity in femtosecond-laser-modified fused silica
H An, S Fleming, BW McMillen, KP Chen, D Snoke
Applied Physics Letters 93 (6), 2008
Microstructural imaging of high repetition rate ultrafast laser written LiTaO3 waveguides
B McMillen, KP Chen, D Jaque
Applied Physics Letters 94 (8), 2009
X-Probe flow sensor implemented through the use of active fiber-Bragg gratings
C Jewart, B McMillen, SK Cho, KP Chen
Sensors Actuators, 63-8, 2006
Self-Powered Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
BW McMillen
University of Pittsburgh, 2008
A monolithic micro-tensile tester for investigating silica micromechanics, fabricated and fully operated using a femtosecond laser
CE Athanasiou, B McMillen, Y Bellouard
CLEO: Applications and Technology, AW1H. 6, 2014
Direct-write diffracting tubular optical components using femtosecond lasers
B McMillen, Y Bellouard
Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial …, 2014
Laser-induced densification of fused silica using spatially overlapping sub-30 fs pulses
B McMillen, O Uteza, R Clady, N Sanner, M Sentis, F Nabiei, Y Cheng, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (8), 2020
Non-ablative femtosecond laser exposure of fused silica in the sub-50 fs regime (Conference Presentation)
EK Block, BW McMillen, J Nillon, C Hönninger, Y Bellouard
Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial …, 2017
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Articles 1–20