Byung-Ro Moon
Byung-Ro Moon
Computer Science & Engineering, Seoul National University
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Hybrid genetic algorithms for feature selection
IS Oh, JS Lee, BR Moon
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26 (11), 1424 …, 2004
Genetic algorithm and graph partitioning
TN Bui, BR Moon
IEEE Transactions on computers 45 (7), 841-855, 1996
A hybrid neurogenetic approach for stock forecasting
YK Kwon, BR Moon
IEEE transactions on neural networks 18 (3), 851-864, 2007
Genetic approaches for graph partitioning: a survey
J Kim, I Hwang, YH Kim, BR Moon
Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2011
Application of machine learning to an early warning system for very short-term heavy rainfall
SH Moon, YH Kim, YH Lee, BR Moon
Journal of Hydrology 568, 1042-1054, 2019
Toward minimal restriction of genetic encoding and crossovers for the two-dimensional Euclidean TSP
S Jung, BR Moon
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 6 (6), 557-565, 2002
A new genetic approach for the traveling salesman problem
TN Bui, BR Moon
Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE …, 1994
An empirical study on the synergy of multiple crossover operators
HS Yoon, BR Moon
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 6 (2), 212-223, 2002
Malware detection based on dependency graph using hybrid genetic algorithm
K Kim, BR Moon
Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2010
On multi-dimensional encoding/crossover
TN Bui, BR Moon
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 49-56, 1995
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm For The Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows.
S Jung, BR Moon
GECCO, 1309-1316, 2002
Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for dynamic social network clustering
K Kim, RI McKay, BR Moon
Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2010
Geometric crossovers for multiway graph partitioning
A Moraglio, YH Kim, Y Yoon, BR Moon
Evolutionary Computation 15 (4), 445-474, 2007
Toward More Powerful Recombinations.
AB Kahng, BR Moon
ICGA, 96-103, 1995
Adaptive elevator group control with cameras
JH Kim, BR Moon
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 48 (2), 377-382, 2001
A fast and stable hybrid genetic algorithm for the ratio-cut partitioning problem on hypergraphs
TN Bui, BR Moon
Proceedings of the 31st annual Design Automation Conference, 664-669, 1994
GRCA: A hybrid genetic algorithm for circuit ratio-cut partitioning
TN Bui, BR Moon
IEEE Transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and …, 1998
Improved large-step Markov chain variants for the symmetric TSP
I Hong, AB Kahng, BR Moon
Journal of Heuristics 3, 63-81, 1997
Hyperplane synthesis for genetic algorithms
TN Bui, BR Moon
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 102-109, 1993
Stock prediction based on financial correlation
YK Kwon, SS Choi, BR Moon
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
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Articles 1–20