Tenaha O'Reilly
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Cited by
The impact of science knowledge, reading skill, and reading strategy knowledge on more traditional “high-stakes” measures of high school students’ science achievement
T O’Reilly, DS McNamara
American educational research journal 44 (1), 161-196, 2007
Reversing the reverse cohesion effect: Good texts can be better for strategic, high-knowledge readers
T O'reilly, DS McNamara
Discourse processes 43 (2), 121-152, 2007
Improving adolescent students' reading comprehension with iSTART
DS McNamara, TP O'Reilly, RM Best, Y Ozuru
Journal of Educational Computing Research 34 (2), 147-171, 2006
iSTART: A web-based tutor that teaches self-explanation and metacognitive reading strategies
DS McNamara, T O’Reilly, M Rowe, C Boonthum, IB Levinstein
Reading comprehension strategies: Theories, interventions, and technologies …, 2007
The 4-pronged comprehension strategy framework
DS McNamara, Y Ozuru, R Best, T O’Reilly
Reading comprehension strategies: Theories, interventions, and technologies …, 2007
How much knowledge is too little? When a lack of knowledge becomes a barrier to comprehension
T O’Reilly, Z Wang, J Sabatini
Psychological science 30 (9), 1344-1351, 2019
SEEK Web tutor: Fostering a critical stance while exploring the causes of volcanic eruption
AC Graesser, J Wiley, SR Goldman, T O’Reilly, M Jeon, B McDaniel
Metacognition and Learning 2, 89-105, 2007
Decoding and reading comprehension: A test of the decoding threshold hypothesis.
Z Wang, J Sabatini, T O'reilly, J Weeks
Journal of Educational Psychology 111 (3), 387, 2019
Where’s the difficulty in standardized reading tests: The passage or the question?
Y Ozuru, M Rowe, T O’Reilly, DS McNamara
Behavior Research Methods 40 (4), 1001-1015, 2008
Self-explanation reading training: Effects for low-knowledge readers
T O'Reilly, R Best, DS McNamara
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 26 (26), 2004
Integrating Scenario–Based and Component Reading Skill Measures to Understand the Reading Behavior of Struggling Readers
JP Sabatini, T O'Reilly, LK Halderman, K Bruce
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 29 (1), 36-43, 2014
Comprehension skill, inference making, and the role of knowledge.
DS McNamara, M de Vega, T O'Reilly
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2007
Reading for understanding: How performance moderators and scenarios impact assessment design
T O'Reilly
A comparison of self-explanation and elaborative interrogation
T O'Reilly, S Symons, H MacLatchy-Gaudet
Contemporary Educational Psychology 23 (4), 434-445, 1998
Theories of comprehension skill: Knowledge and strategies versus capacity and suppression
DS McNamara, T O’Reilly
Advances in psychology research 62, 113-136, 2009
Designing reading comprehension assessments for reading interventions: How a theoretically motivated assessment can serve as an outcome measure
T O’Reilly, J Weeks, J Sabatini, L Halderman, J Steinberg
Educational Psychology Review 26, 403-424, 2014
iStart: A Web-Based Reading Strategy Intervention That Improves Students's Science Comprehension.
T O'Reilly, G Sinclair, DS McNamara
CELDA, 173-180, 2004
Relating reading comprehension to oral reading performance in the NAEP fourth‐grade special study of oral reading
J Sabatini, Z Wang, T O’Reilly
Reading Research Quarterly 54 (2), 253-271, 2019
Cognitively based assessment of, for, and as learning: A framework for assessing reading competency
T O'reilly, KM Sheehan
ETS Research Report Series 2009 (2), i-43, 2009
Reading strategy training: Automated verses live
T O'Reilly, GP Sinclair, DS McNamara
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 26 (26), 2004
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Articles 1–20