Minghua Zhang
Minghua Zhang
Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University
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The community climate system model version 4
PR Gent, G Danabasoglu, LJ Donner, MM Holland, EC Hunke, SR Jayne, ...
Journal of Climate 24 (19), 4973-4991, 2011
Description of the NCAR community atmosphere model (CAM 5.0)
RB Neale, CC Chen, A Gettelman, PH Lauritzen, S Park, DL Williamson, ...
NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-486+ STR 1 (1), 1-12, 2010
Intercomparison and interpretation of climate feedback processes in 19 atmospheric general circulation models
RD Cess, GL Potter, JP Blanchet, GJ Boer, AD Del Genio, M Deque, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 95 (D10), 16601-16615, 1990
The formulation and atmospheric simulation of the Community Atmosphere Model version 3 (CAM3)
WD Collins, PJ Rasch, BA Boville, JJ Hack, JR McCaa, DL Williamson, ...
Journal of Climate 19 (11), 2144-2161, 2006
Description of the NCAR community atmosphere model (CAM 3.0)
WD Collins, PJ Rasch, BA Boville, JJ Hack, JR McCaa, DL Williamson, ...
NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-464+ STR 226, 1326-1334, 2004
The mean climate of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM4) in forced SST and fully coupled experiments
RB Neale, J Richter, S Park, PH Lauritzen, SJ Vavrus, PJ Rasch, M Zhang
Journal of Climate 26 (14), 5150-5168, 2013
The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies
JSRD Jun Yang, Peng Gong, Rong Fu, Minghua Zhang, Jingming Chen, Shunlin ...
Nature Climate Change 3, 2013
Absorption of solar radiation by clouds: Observations versus models
RD Cess, MH Zhang, P Minnis, L Corsetti, EG Dutton, BW Forgan, ...
Science 267 (5197), 496-499, 1995
Comparing clouds and their seasonal variations in 10 atmospheric general circulation models with satellite measurements
MH Zhang, WY Lin, SA Klein, JT Bacmeister, S Bony, RT Cederwall, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D15), 2005
Cloud feedback in atmospheric general circulation models: An update
RD Cess, MH Zhang, WJ Ingram, GL Potter, V Alekseev, HW Barker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 101 (D8), 12791-12794, 1996
Constrained variational analysis of sounding data based on column-integrated budgets of mass, heat, moisture, and momentum: Approach and application to ARM measurements
MH Zhang, JL Lin
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 54 (11), 1503-1524, 1997
Stratiform precipitation, vertical heating profiles, and the Madden-Julian Oscillation
J Lin, B Mapes, M Zhang, M Newman
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 61 (3), 296-309, 2004
Interpretation of snow-climate feedback as produced by 17 general circulation models
RD Cess, GL Potter, MH Zhang, JP Blanchet, S Chalita, R Colman, ...
Science 253 (5022), 888-892, 1991
Objective analysis of ARM IOP data: Method and sensitivity
MH Zhang, JL Lin, RT Cederwall, JJ Yio, SC Xie
Monthly weather review 129 (2), 295-311, 2001
A modified formulation of fractional stratiform condensation rate in the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM2)
M Zhang, W Lin, CS Bretherton, JJ Hack, PJ Rasch
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D1), ACL 10-1-ACL 10-11, 2003
Intercomparison and interpretation of surface energy fluxes in atmospheric general circulation models
DA Randall, RD Cess, JP Blanchet, GJ Boer, DA Dazlich, AD Del Genio, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 97 (D4), 3711-3724, 1992
An intercomparison of cloud‐resolving models with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement summer 1997 Intensive Observation Period data
KM Xu, RT Cederwall, LJ Donner, WW Grabowski, F Guichard, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 128 (580), 593-624, 2002
Tropical cyclone rainfall area controlled by relative sea surface temperature
MZ Yanluan Lin, Ming Zhao
Nature Communications 6, 2015
Climate models: an assessment of strengths and limitations
DC Bader, C Covey, WJ Gutowski Jr, IM Held, RL Miller, RT Tokmakian, ...
Diagnostic study of climate feedback processes in atmospheric general circulation models
MH Zhang, JJ Hack, JT Kiehl, RD Cess
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 99 (D3), 5525-5537, 1994
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Articles 1–20