Etienne Couturier
Etienne Couturier
CNRS Université Paris Diderot
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Replication‐associated gene dosage effects shape the genomes of fast‐growing bacteria but only for transcription and translation genes
E Couturier, EPC Rocha
Molecular microbiology 59 (5), 1506-1518, 2006
Suspensions in a tilted trough: second normal stress difference
É Couturier, F Boyer, O Pouliquen, É Guazzelli
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 686, 26-39, 2011
The structure of gallery networks in the nests of termite Cubitermes spp. revealed by X-ray tomography
A Perna, C Jost, E Couturier, S Valverde, S Douady, G Theraulaz
Naturwissenschaften 95, 877-884, 2008
Mechanosensation dynamically coordinates polar growth and cell wall assembly to promote cell survival
V Davì, H Tanimoto, D Ershov, A Haupt, H De Belly, R Le Borgne, ...
Developmental cell 45 (2), 170-182. e7, 2018
Wall mechanics and exocytosis define the shape of growth domains in fission yeast
JF Abenza, E Couturier, J Dodgson, D Johana, C Anatol, D Jacques, ...
Nature Communications 6 (8400), 2015
Mechanical control of morphogenesis at the shoot apex
S Robinson, A Burian, E Couturier, B Landrein, M Louveaux, ...
Journal of experimental botany 64 (15), 4729-4744, 2013
A global regulation inducing the shape of growing folded leaves
E Couturier, S Courrech du Pont, S Douady
PloS one 4 (11), e7968, 2009
The filling law: a general framework for leaf folding and its consequences on leaf shape diversity
E Couturier, SC Du Pont, S Douady
Journal of theoretical biology 289, 47-64, 2011
Abaxial growth and steric constraints guide leaf folding and shape in Acer pseudoplatanus
E Couturier, N Brunel, S Douady, N Nakayama
American journal of botany 99 (8), 1289-1299, 2012
Systematic mapping of cell wall mechanics in the regulation of cell morphogenesis
V Davì, L Chevalier, H Guo, H Tanimoto, K Barrett, E Couturier, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (28), 13833-13838, 2019
Folding of an opened spherical shell
E Couturier, J Dumais, E Cerda, E Katifori
Soft Matter 9 (34), 8359-8367, 2013
Fluttering of growing leaves as a way to reach flatness: experimental evidence on Persea americana
J Derr, R Bastien, É Couturier, S Douady
Journal of the Royal society interface 15 (138), 20170595, 2018
Courrech du Pont S, Douady S. 2009. A global regulation inducing the shape of growing folded leaves
E Couturier
PLoS One 4 (11), e7968, 0
E Couturier
Université Paris Diderot, 2009
Compression of a pressurized spherical shell by a spherical or flat probe
E Couturier, D Vella, A Boudaoud
The European Physical Journal E 45 (2), 13, 2022
Plant root growth against a mechanical obstacle: the early growth response of a maize root facing an axial resistance is consistent with the Lockhart model
M Quiros, MB Bogeat-Triboulot, E Couturier, E Kolb
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19 (193), 20220266, 2022
Folded isometric deformations and banana-shaped seedpod
E Couturier
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2016
Construction of a universal ordinary differential equation C∞ of order 3
E Couturier, N Jacquet
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 2017
Plant root growth against a mechanical obstacle: the early growth response of a maize root facing an axial resistance agrees with the Lockhart model
M Quiros, MB Bogeat-Triboulot, E Couturier, E Kolb
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.01369, 2022
The filling law: A general framework for leaf shape diversity and its consequences on folded leaves
E Couturier, SC Pont, S Douady
arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.4756, 2010
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Articles 1–20