Flurin S. Hänseler
Flurin S. Hänseler
TU Delft
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Modeling nucleation, growth, and Ostwald ripening in crystallization processes: a comparison between population balance and kinetic rate equation
T Vetter, M Iggland, DR Ochsenbein, FS Hänseler, M Mazzotti
Crystal growth & design 13 (11), 4890-4905, 2013
A macroscopic loading model for time-varying pedestrian flows in public walking areas
FS Hänseler, M Bierlaire, B Farooq, T Mühlematter
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 69, 60-80, 2014
Assessing the usage and level-of-service of pedestrian facilities in train stations: A Swiss case study
FS Hänseler, M Bierlaire, R Scarinci
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 89, 106-123, 2016
A dynamic network loading model for anisotropic and congested pedestrian flows
M Hänseler, F. S. and Lam, W H. K. and Bierlaire, M. and Lederrey, G. and ...
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 95, 149--168, 2017
A mesoscopic model for large-scale simulation of pedestrian dynamics
A Tordeux, G Lämmel, FS Hänseler, B Steffen
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 93, 128-147, 2018
A passenger-pedestrian model to assess platform and train usage from automated data
FS Hänseler, JPA van den Heuvel, O Cats, W Daamen, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 132, 948-968, 2020
A macroscopic flow model for mixed bicycle–car traffic
MJ Wierbos, VL Knoop, FS Hänseler, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportmetrica A: transport science 17 (3), 340-355, 2021
Estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand in train stations
FS Hänseler, NA Molyneaux, M Bierlaire
Transportation Science 51 (3), 981-997, 2017
Scenario analysis of pedestrian flow in public spaces
S Sahaleh, M Bierlaire, B Farooq, A Danalet, F Hänseler
12th Swiss Transport Research Conference, 2012
Capacity, capacity drop, and relation of capacity to the path width in bicycle traffic
MJ Wierbos, VL Knoop, FS Hänseler, SP Hoogendoorn
Transportation research record 2673 (5), 693-702, 2019
Modeling and estimation of pedestrian flows in train stations
FS Hänseler
EPFL, 2016
Modeling of train-induced pedestrian flows in railway stations
N Molyneaux, F Hänseler, M Bierlaire
Proceedings of the 14th Swiss Transport Research Conference, 2014
An aggregated dynamic flow model for pedestrian movement in railway stations
F Hänseler, B Farooq, M Bierlaire
Swiss Transportation Research Conference, 2013
Schedule-based estimation of pedestrian demand within a railway station
F Hänseler, N Molyneaux, M Bierlaire, A Stathopoulos
Swiss Transportation Research Conference, 2014
Modeling pedestrian flows in train stations: The example of Lausanne railway station
F Hänseler, M Bierlaire, N Molyneaux, R Scarinci, M Thémans
Swiss Transportation Research Conference, 2015
Pedestrian strategies within railway stations: Analysis and modeling of pedestrian flows (PedFlux Mid-Term Report)
F Hänseler, N Molyneaux, M Thémans, M Bierlaire
Flux piétonniers dans la gare de Lausanne: Vers l’estimation d’une matrice OD à l’aide des extrapolations voyageurs des CFF
N Anken, FS Hänseler, M Bierlaire
Internal report (unpublished), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2012
Preliminary ideas for dynamic estimation of pedestrian origin-destination demand within train stations
F Hänseler, B Farooq, M Bierlaire
Swiss Transport Research Conference, 2012
Characterization of multidirectional pedestrian flows based on three-dimensional Voronoi tessellations
M Nikolic, M Bierlaire, F Hänseler
4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, 2015
An aggregate model for transient and multi-directional pedestrian flows in public walking areas
F Hänseler, M Bierlaire, B Farooq
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Articles 1–20