Mico Mrkaic
Mico Mrkaic
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Cited by
The effects of weather shocks on economic activity: what are the channels of impact?
S Acevedo, M Mrkaic, N Novta, E Pugacheva, P Topalova
Journal of Macroeconomics 65, 103207, 2020
The global economic recovery 10 years after the 2008 financial crisis
MW Chen, MM Mrkaic, MMS Nabar
International Monetary Fund, 2019
SMEs’ access to finance in the euro area: what helps or hampers?
B Öztürk, MM Mrkaic
International Monetary Fund, 2014
Fiscal Multipliers in the ECCU
MJ Gonzalez-Garcia, MA Lemus, MM Mrkaic
International Monetary Fund, 2013
Steady as She Goes—Estimating Potential Output During Financial “Booms and Busts”
MH Berger, MT Dowling, MS Lanau, MM Mrkaic, MP Rabanal, MT Sanjani
International Monetary Fund, 2015
Access to Finance by SMEs in the Euro Area: What Helps or Hampers
B Ozturk, M Mrkaic
IMF Working Paper, European Department, 2014
Slovenska tranzicija od Kardelja do Tajkunov
R Pezdir, M Mrkaić
Časnik Finance, 2008
The growth of total factor productivity in Slovenia
M Mrkaic
Post-communist economies 14 (4), 445-454, 2002
Scilab as an econometric programming system
M Mrkaic
Journal of Applied Econometrics 16 (4), 553-559, 2001
The effects of weather shocks on economic activity: How can low-income countries cope
S Acevedo, M Mrkaic, N Novta, M Poplawski-Ribeiro, E Pugacheva, ...
World Economic Outlook, 2017
Do FX interventions lead to higher FX debt? Evidence from firm-level data
M Kim, RC Mano, M Mrkaic
Journal of International Money and Finance 148, 103160, 2024
Lasting effects: The global economic recovery 10 years after the crisis
W Chen, M Mrkaic, M Nabar
IMF Blog 3, 2018
An evaluation of world economic outlook growth forecasts, 2004–17
O Celasun, J Lee, MM Mrkaic, MA Timmermann
International Monetary Fund, 2021
What do we talk about when we talk about output gaps?
J Barkema, T Gudmundsson, M Mrkaic
IMF Working Paper, 2020
Policy iteration accelerated with Krylov methods
M Mrkaic
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 26 (4), 517-545, 2002
Weather shocks and output in low-income countries: The role of policies and adaptation
MSA Mejia, C Baccianti, MM Mrkaic, N Novta, E Pugacheva, P Topalova
International Monetary Fund, 2019
Inovacijska dejavnost podjetij: njene determinante, vpliv na produktivnost in pomen za mednarodno konkurenčnost: doktorska disertacija
P Kotnik, J Prašnikar, M Mrkaić
P. Kotnik, 2004
Data dissemination standards and the statistical quality of the IMF’s World Economic Outlook Forecasts
MM Mrkaic
International Monetary Fund, 2010
Mehanizmi in ukrepi za prenos znanja iz akademske in raziskovalne sfere v gospodarstvu v luči novih inovacijskih paradigem-stanje in trendi razvoja v Sloveniji glede na razvite …
F Mali, M Bučar, M Mulej, D Kavaš, K Koman, M Bevc, R Pezdir, ...
Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2004
To so bile svete krave
M Mrkaić
Pasadena, 2007
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Articles 1–20