Sam Nallaperuma-Herzberg
Cited by
Cited by
A case study of algorithm selection for the traveling thief problem
M Wagner, M Lindauer, M Mısır, S Nallaperuma, F Hutter
Journal of Heuristics 24, 295-320, 2018
Machine learning for optical fiber communication systems: An introduction and overview
JW Nevin, S Nallaperuma, NA Shevchenko, X Li, MS Faruk, SJ Savory
Apl Photonics 6 (12), 2021
Maximizing the information throughput of ultra-wideband fiber-optic communication systems
NA Shevchenko, S Nallaperuma, SJ Savory
Optics express 30 (11), 19320-19331, 2022
Feature-based diversity optimization for problem instance classification
W Gao, S Nallaperuma, F Neumann
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 869-879, 2016
Fast building block assembly by majority vote crossover
T Friedrich, T Kötzing, MS Krejca, S Nallaperuma, F Neumann, ...
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2016, 661-668, 2016
A feature-based comparison of local search and the christofides algorithm for the travelling salesperson problem
S Nallaperuma, M Wagner, F Neumann, B Bischl, O Mersmann, ...
Proceedings of the twelfth workshop on Foundations of genetic algorithms XII …, 2013
Parameterized runtime analyses of evolutionary algorithms for the planar Euclidean traveling salesperson problem
AM Sutton, F Neumann, S Nallaperuma
Evolutionary Computation 22 (4), 595-628, 2014
Techniques for applying reinforcement learning to routing and wavelength assignment problems in optical fiber communication networks
JW Nevin, S Nallaperuma, NA Shevchenko, Z Shabka, G Zervas, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 14 (9), 733-748, 2022
Feature-based diversity optimization for problem instance classification
W Gao, S Nallaperuma, F Neumann
Evolutionary Computation 29 (1), 107-128, 2021
TransEnergy–a tool for energy storage optimization, peak power and energy consumption reduction in DC electric railway systems
DI Fletcher, RF Harrison, S Nallaperuma
Journal of Energy Storage 30, 101425, 2020
Analyzing the effects of instance features and algorithm parameters for max–min ant system and the traveling salesperson problem
S Nallaperuma, M Wagner, F Neumann
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2, 18, 2015
Deep learning and ensemble deep learning for circRNA-RBP interaction prediction in the last decade: A review
D Lasantha, S Vidanagamachchi, S Nallaperuma
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 123, 106352, 2023
Expected fitness gains of randomized search heuristics for the traveling salesperson problem
S Nallaperuma, F Neumann, D Sudholt
Evolutionary computation 25 (4), 673-705, 2017
Application of metaheuristics for signal optimisation in transportation networks: A comprehensive survey
S Jalili, S Nallaperuma, E Keedwell, A Dawn, L Oakes-Ash
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 63, 100865, 2021
Parameter prediction based on features of evolved instances for ant colony optimization and the traveling salesperson problem
S Nallaperuma, M Wagner, F Neumann
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 100-109, 2014
Ahura: A heuristic-based racer for the open racing car simulator
MR Bonyadi, Z Michalewicz, S Nallaperuma, F Neumann
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 9 (3), 290-304, 2016
Optimal control and energy storage for DC electric train systems using evolutionary algorithms
S Nallaperuma, D Fletcher, R Harrison
Railway Engineering Science 29, 327-335, 2021
Parameter optimisation for ultra-wideband optical networks in the presence of stimulated Raman scattering effect
S Nallaperuma, NA Shevchenko, SJ Savory
2021 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), 1-6, 2021
A fixed budget analysis of randomized search heuristics for the traveling salesperson problem
S Nallaperuma, F Neumann, D Sudholt
Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2014
EVOR: an online evolutionary algorithm for car racing games
S Nallaperuma, F Neumann, MR Bonyadi, Z Michalewicz
Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2014
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Articles 1–20