Laurel Trainor
Laurel Trainor
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Relations among musical skills, phonological processing, and early reading ability in preschool children
SH Anvari, LJ Trainor, J Woodside, BA Levy
Journal of experimental child psychology 83 (2), 111-130, 2002
Frontal brain electrical activity (EEG) distinguishes valence and intensity of musical emotions
LA Schmidt, LJ Trainor
Cognition & Emotion 15 (4), 487-500, 2001
Feeling the beat: movement influences infant rhythm perception
J Phillips-Silver, LJ Trainor
Science 308 (5727), 1430-1430, 2005
Music acquisition: effects of enculturation and formal training on development
EE Hannon, LJ Trainor
Trends in cognitive sciences 11 (11), 466-472, 2007
Internalized timing of isochronous sounds is represented in neuromagnetic beta oscillations
T Fujioka, LJ Trainor, EW Large, B Ross
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (5), 1791-1802, 2012
Is infant-directed speech prosody a result of the vocal expression of emotion?
LJ Trainor, CM Austin, RN Desjardins
Psychological science 11 (3), 188-195, 2000
Interpersonal synchrony increases prosocial behavior in infants
LK Cirelli, KM Einarson, LJ Trainor
Developmental science 17 (6), 1003-1011, 2014
Singing to infants: Lullabies and play songs
SE Trehub, L Trainor
Advances in infancy research 12, 43-78, 1998
Hearing what the body feels: Auditory encoding of rhythmic movement
J Phillips-Silver, LJ Trainor
Cognition 105 (3), 533-546, 2007
One year of musical training affects development of auditory cortical-evoked fields in young children
T Fujioka, B Ross, R Kakigi, C Pantev, LJ Trainor
Brain 129 (10), 2593-2608, 2006
Musical training enhances automatic encoding of melodic contour and interval structure
T Fujioka, LJ Trainor, B Ross, R Kakigi, C Pantev
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 16 (6), 1010-1021, 2004
Enhancement of neuroplastic P2 and N1c auditory evoked potentials in musicians
A Shahin, DJ Bosnyak, LJ Trainor, LE Roberts
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (13), 5545-5552, 2003
Infant preferences for infant-directed versus noninfant-directed playsongs and lullabies
LJ Trainor
Infant behavior and development 19 (1), 83-92, 1996
The development of evaluative responses to music:: Infants prefer to listen to consonance over dissonance
LJ Trainor, BM Heinmiller
Infant Behavior and Development 21 (1), 77-88, 1998
A comparison of infants' and adults' sensitivity to western musical structure.
LJ Trainor, SE Trehub
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 18 (2), 394, 1992
Finding the beat: a neural perspective across humans and non-human primates
H Merchant, J Grahn, L Trainor, M Rohrmeier, WT Fitch
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Cortical plasticity induced by short-term unimodal and multimodal musical training
C Lappe, SC Herholz, LJ Trainor, C Pantev
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (39), 9632-9639, 2008
Preference for sensory consonance in 2-and 4-month-old infants
LJ Trainor, CD Tsang, VHW Cheung
Music Perception 20 (2), 187-194, 2002
Active music classes in infancy enhance musical, communicative and social development
D Gerry, A Unrau, LJ Trainor
Developmental science 15 (3), 398-407, 2012
Mothers' and fathers' singing to infants.
SE Trehub, AM Unyk, SB Kamenetsky, DS Hill, LJ Trainor, JL Henderson, ...
Developmental psychology 33 (3), 500, 1997
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