Plamen Neytchev
Plamen Neytchev
National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
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Robust fitting of mixtures using the trimmed likelihood estimator
N Neykov, P Filzmoser, R Dimova, P Neytchev
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52 (1), 299-308, 2007
A Robust Alternative of the ML estimators
N Neykov, P Neytchev
Compstat 90, 99-100, 1990
Regional frequency analysis of extreme wave heights: Trading space for time
PV Gelder, JD Ronde, NM Neykov, P Neytchev
Coastal Engineering 2000, 1099-1112, 2001
Stabilization of nonlinear vertical diffusion schemes in the context of NWP models
P Bénard, A Marki, PN Neytchev, MT Prtenjak
Monthly weather review 128 (6), 1937-1948, 2000
Inflated-parameter family of generalized power series distributions and their application in analysis of overdispersed insurance data
N Kolev, L Minkova, P Neytchev
ARCH Research Clearing House 2, 295-320, 2000
Robust joint modeling of mean and dispersion through trimming
NM Neykov, P Filzmoser, PN Neytchev
Computational statistics & data analysis 56 (1), 34-48, 2012
Ultrahigh dimensional variable selection through the penalized maximum trimmed likelihood estimator
NM Neykov, P Filzmoser, PN Neytchev
Statistical Papers 55 (1), 187-207, 2014
Stochastic daily precipitation model with a heavy-tailed component
NM Neykov, PN Neytchev, W Zucchini
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (9), 2321-2335, 2014
The least trimmed quantile regression
NM Neykov, P Čížek, P Filzmoser, PN Neytchev
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (6), 1757-1770, 2012
Robust detection of discordant sites in regional frequency analysis
NM Neykov, PN Neytchev, P Van Gelder, VK Todorov
Water Resources Research 43 (6), 2007
Robust two-group discrimination by bounded influence regression. A Monte Carlo simulation
V Todorov, N Neykov, P Neytchev
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 17 (3), 289-302, 1994
SWEEP operator for least-squares subject to linear constraints
PN Neytchev
Computational statistics & data analysis 20 (6), 599-609, 1995
Robust selection of variables in the discriminant analysis based on MVE and MCD estimators
VK Todorov, NM Neykov, PN Neytchev
Compstat: Proceedings in Computational Statistics, 9th Symposium held at …, 1990
Mixture of GLMs and the trimmed likelihood methodology
N Neykov, P Filzmoser, R Dimova, P Neytchev
na, 2004
Spatial-temporal variability of land surface dry anomalies in climatic aspect: biogeophysical insight by meteosat observations and SVAT modeling
J Stoyanova, C Georgiev, P Neytchev, A Kulishev
Atmosphere 10 (10), 636, 2019
Satellite observations of fire activity in relation to biophysical forcing effect of land surface temperature in mediterranean climate
JS Stoyanova, CG Georgiev, PN Neytchev
Remote Sensing 14 (7), 1747, 2022
Linking atmospheric circulation to daily precipitation patterns over the territory of Bulgaria
N Neykov, P Neytchev, W Zucchini, H Hristov
Environmental and ecological statistics 19, 249-267, 2012
Drought Monitoring in Terms of Evapotranspiration Based on Satellite Data from Meteosat in Areas of Strong Land–Atmosphere Coupling
JS Stoyanova, CG Georgiev, PN Neytchev
Land 12 (1), 240, 2023
The Operative System ProData—Part One: Current Stage and Recent Improvements
H Chervenkov, V Spiridonov, E Artinyan, P Neytchev, K Slavov, ...
Bul. J. Meteo Hydro 22 (3–4), 73-86, 2017
Stability of high breakdown point robust PCA
V Todorov, N Neyko, P Neytchev
Short Communications, COMPSTAT 94, 1994
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Articles 1–20