Yoann Mamy Randriamihaja
Yoann Mamy Randriamihaja
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Cited by
Microscopic scale characterization and modeling of transistor degradation under HC stress
YM Randriamihaja, V Huard, X Federspiel, A Zaka, P Palestri, D Rideau, ...
Microelectronics Reliability 52 (11), 2513-2520, 2012
New hot carrier degradation modeling reconsidering the role of EES in ultra short n-channel MOSFETs
YM Randriamihaja, X Federspiel, V Huard, A Bravaix, P Palestri
2013 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), XT. 1.1-XT. 1.5, 2013
Impact of the gate-stack change from 40nm node SiON to 28nm High-K Metal Gate on the Hot-Carrier and Bias Temperature damage
A Bravaix, YM Randriamihaja, V Huard, D Angot, X Federspiel, W Arfaoui, ...
2013 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2D. 6.1-2D. 6.9, 2013
Off State Incorporation into the 3 energy mode Device Lifetime Modeling for advanced 40nm CMOS node
A Bravaix, C Guerin, D Goguenheim, V Huard, D Roy, C Besset, S Renard, ...
2010 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, 55-64, 2010
Hot carrier degradation: From defect creation modeling to their impact on NMOS parameters
YM Randriamihaja, A Zaka, V Huard, M Rafik, D Rideau, D Roy, A Bravaix, ...
2012 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), XT. 15.1-XT. 15.4, 2012
Analysis of defect capture cross sections using non-radiative multiphonon-assisted trapping model
D Garetto, YM Randriamihaja, A Zaka, D Rideau, A Schmid, H Jaouen, ...
Solid-state electronics 71, 74-79, 2012
Modeling stressed MOS oxides using a multiphonon-assisted quantum approach—Part II: transient effects
D Garetto, YM Randriamihaja, D Rideau, A Zaka, A Schmid, Y Leblebici, ...
IEEE transactions on electron devices 59 (3), 621-630, 2012
From defects creation to circuit reliability–A bottom-up approach
V Huard, F Cacho, YM Randriamihaja, A Bravaix
Microelectronic engineering 88 (7), 1396-1407, 2011
From atoms to circuits: Theoretical and empirical modeling of hot carrier degradation
W McMahon, Y Mamy-Randriamihaja, B Vaidyanathan, T Nigam, ...
Hot Carrier Degradation in Semiconductor Devices, 3-27, 2014
Multiple microscopic defects characterization methods to improve macroscopic degradation modeling of MOSFETs
YM Randriamihaja, A Bravaix, V Huard, D Rideau, M Rafik, D Roy
2010 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report, 61-66, 2010
AC analysis of defect cross sections using non-radiative MPA quantum model
D Garetto, YM Randriamihaja, A Zaka, D Rideau, A Schmid, H Jaouem, ...
Ulis 2011 Ultimate Integration on Silicon, 1-4, 2011
Small signal analysis of electrically-stressed oxides with Poisson-Schroedinger based multiphonon capture model
D Garetto, YM Randriamihaja, D Rideau, E Dornel, FC William, A Schmid, ...
2010 14th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, 1-4, 2010
Modeling stressed MOS oxides using a multiphonon-assisted quantum approach—Part I: Impedance analysis
D Garetto, YM Randriamihaja, D Rideau, A Zaka, A Schmid, Y Leblebici, ...
IEEE transactions on electron devices 59 (3), 610-620, 2012
Assessing intrinsic and extrinsic end-of-life risk using functional SRAM wafer level testing
YM Randriamihaja, W McMahon, S Balasubramanian, T Nigam, ...
2015 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, 6A. 5.1-6A. 5.4, 2015
New insights into gate-dielectric breakdown by electrical characterization of interfacial and oxide defects with reverse modeling methodology
YM Randriamihaja, D Garetto, V Huard, D Rideau, D Roy, M Rafik, ...
2012 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), GD. 7.1-GD. 7.5, 2012
Mosfet's hot carrier degradation characterization and modeling at a microscopic scale
YM Randriamihaja, A Zaka, V Huard, M Rafik, D Rideau, D Roy, A Bravaix
2011 International Reliability Physics Symposium, XT. 5.1-XT. 5.3, 2011
Oxide defects generation modeling and impact on BD understanding
YM Randriamihaja, V Huard, A Zaka, S Haendler, X Federspiel, M Rafik, ...
2011 International Reliability Physics Symposium, GD. 3.1-GD. 3.4, 2011
New insights into NBTI reliability in UTBOX-FDSOI PMOS transistors
D Angot, D Rideau, A Bravaix, F Monsieur, YM Randriamihaja, V Huard
2012 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report, 70-73, 2012
Bias-Induced Healing of Failures in Advanced SRAM Arrays
RW Mann, W McMahon, YM Randriamihaja, Y Song, AA Kallianpur, S Xie, ...
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 25 (2), 660-669, 2016
Comparing defect characterization techniques with non-radiative multiphonon charge trapping model: AC analysis, trap-assisted-tunneling and charge pumping
D Garetto, YM Randriamihaja, D Rideau, A Schmid, H Jaouen
Journal of Computational Electronics 11, 225-237, 2012
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Articles 1–20